The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Among the conditions of solitude in this path is the psychological dhikr, not the verbal dhikr. The first of its solitude is the imaginative dhikr, which is the conception of the word dhikr, since it is composed of digital and verbal letters that the imagination grasps, hearing or seeing, and is reminded of them without rising to the moral dhikr that has no form, which is the dhikr of the heart. From the remembrance of the heart, what is sought and an increase in knowledge is presented to him, and with this knowledge that is presented to him, he knows what is meant by the proverbial images, if they are established for him and created by sense in his imagination in sleep, wakefulness, absence, and extinction, so he knows what he saw, and it is the knowledge of interpretation of vision .

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And among them are those who take solitude to purify their thoughts so that they may look correctly at the knowledge they seek, and this only happens to those who take knowledge from their thoughts. They take solitudes to correct what they seek if it appears to them with logical scales, which is a gentle scale, the slightest air that moves it and takes it out of integrity, so they take solitudes and block the channels of the desires. So that there is no movement in the balance that spoils the validity of what is required, and such seclusion is not entered into by the people of God, but rather they have seclusion with the Remembrance. Thought has no authority over them and has no effect on them. Any person who secludes himself, who is forced by thought in his seclusion, should go out and know that it is not intended for it and that he is not among the people of true divine knowledge, since if God wanted him to know the divine flow to prevent him from thinking. Some of them take sol

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Seclusion has a claim and its owner is responsible for it. The veil is the closest thing to what is a status. I mean the seclusion that is usual among the people, not the seclusion that is a status that we mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. And even if it is not a status, then it obtains for its owner, by mentioning, stations that have an encapsulation of dominion, the kingdom, and power according to the knowers, and blame from those who do so. Writers are the lords of positions, but as for the people of connection and humanity among those who know and blame, they do not see it as an entry into the kingdom and that it is limited to the world of power and dominion and nothing else except that it has a closeness to the kingdom, with only two degrees between it and it. The scholars who stand among the people of blame see it as six hundred degrees and forty-one degrees, and those who know people among people see it. It has one thousand degrees and sixty-seven degrees, and the

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If man sees no one other than his God*** in every eye, then emptiness is impossible

If you are this, then you are the owner of seclusion *** and God has success and victory in it

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Know, may God help us and you, that uncovering prevents one from being alone, and if it is in it, then the veil is for it. So if it is uncovered, it is known that he was not in privacy, so taking the customary seclusion is evidence of the ignorance of the one who did it, for when uncovered, his ignorance is known, so whoever is unaware that it is ignorance is the owner of two ignorances, and whoever knows that it is ignorance He is one of ignorance .

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And those who know that what is apparent from the fact that he is visible in the eyes of the world and everything else is that he is in solitude in himself if he does not look at the one who appears in him and bequeaths him publicity and exaltation, so solitude is not valid for him from this perspective. For among the people are those who prefer the owner of solitude, and among the people are those who prefer his opposite, which is The owner of the jalwa

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The first name and the hidden one ask for seclusion, and the other name and the apparent one seek to leave it, which is seclusion, and you are for whatever name prevails over you, and there is no differentiation in the names from the face and wealth of creation to the inverse of wealth, which is public seclusion, for seclusion is earthly, seclusion is hereafter, and the afterlife is better

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If you withdraw, do not rely on anyone *** and do not neglect your family or children

And do not continue if you attain a status *** and abstain from polytheism and monotheism with oneness

And tend to seek the highest level alone *** without thought, soul, or soul. Body

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