The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

A garment of disagreement or agreement, for if you do not agree with the command, the will agrees, even if not. What is between the bad and the good is an occasion that requires them to be combined in one entity in which it is good and bad? What is before the change in his saying, “God will change their bad deeds into good deeds.” And if a bad deed was not characterized by goodness in seeing it, then it was not characterized by goodness. For him, even before action, the attribute of goodness in one of the existential aspects is that it is bad in the news and good in the vision, so the vision does not believe the news, and the witness of the vision is definite.

But the meaning of good is good ***So he asked the wise man to examine

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People demand that news be confirmed by news, and news by vision, and we have not seen anyone demand that news be confirmed by vision just as news confirms news. This is why there was disagreement regarding the testimony of the blind man, but he did not differ regarding the testimony of the one who has sight, and this is why he said in the verse, “Indeed, God misleads whomever He wills,” that is, He confuses him in something like this, where he described it. With bad and good, the one in charge does not know what he will prevail, and when he said, “He beautified with intention unless he named the one who did it,” he does not know who beautified it, whether it beautified God, or Satan, or beautified the life of this world. Then he said, “And He guides whom He wills,” meaning He succeeds in attaining the meaning of evil and good. For this action, what it means and how he should take it, so do not go. Your soul is sorrow for them, that is, do not care about them. It is sorrow for the

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And also in this corner, in his saying, “Whatever so-and-so missed, so-and-so missed being good.” If he raised him in generosity and added, then this is seen as remorse in repentance for what was missed, i.e. what increases the good of the replaced evil over the good of the unchanged good, for the good of the good is by itself, not by something else, and the good of the bad. If two good deeds are replaced for her with an intrinsic good, which is the good that is for every action in terms of what it is for God, and an additional good, which is what takes away the truth from this action by changing it, so what appears to be bad in it is clad with good, so the bad deed is replaced by good over the good deed with what the truth has covered, then the good deed is like a beautiful person with extreme beauty, not A suit on him, and a beautiful person like him was very beautiful. A filth of dust fell upon him, and he was cleaned of that occasional filth, and his beauty was revealed. Then

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The repentant person regrets what he missed, since his actions were not all known to him, and that they are like this, so his joy continues. He said in this verse, “And God is Forgiving,” that is, He conceals from whoever wishes to do something like this, a merciful revelation, out of mercy for him, for the meaning of His knowledge, Glory be to Him, He did not specify it for us, so regret like this is what it is. The effect of sadness is similar to what the lover feels on his beloved of affection, sadness, anguish, and remorse for what he neglected in relation to his beloved, who was made beautiful for him, and he used to receive it with greater respect and decency than what he received, says the tongue of Adam.

Oh, my obedience, if I had been, would have been a regret *** and my disobedience, had it not been for you, I would not have been chosen.

God Almighty said, “Then his Lord chose him, and He turned to him and guid

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