The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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No one can come to their places except one with determination, for many of the people of the path do not say of concessions, which is a mistake, for he misses the love of God in performing them, so he has no taste for them. He is like one who makes up for it and does not always perform voluntary prayers, and this is the ultimate mistake. Rather, what is prescribed is to volunteer, and if his obligatory duties are shortened, they will be completed for him. His voluntary actions, which are voluntary deeds, and if he does not detract from them in any way, he will have voluntary deeds as he intended them, and he will have a taste of God’s love for him for them. God’s law has been invalidated if this is not his case. If his obligatory prayer is complete, it is not permissible to fulfill it, then he has legislated what he did not legislate for him and God did not permit it, and that God Whatever he writes down for him as a voluntary prayer, it is what he intended, and he has misbehaved

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If you say, “What is the traveler,” we say, “He is the one who traveled with his mind about the intelligible things, which is the consideration in the Sharia, so he crossed from the lowest crossing to the maximum crossing, and he is the one who travels.”

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If you say, “What is the one who travels,” we say, “He is the one who walked on the stations by his state, not by his knowledge, which is the action, so he had an eye.” Dhu’l-Nun said, “I met Fatima of Nisapuriya, and I did not mention a place of hers, but that place was hers immediately, and this may happen to the intended and the desired.

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If you say, “What is meant, and what is the one who wants?” we say, “What is meant is the one who is drawn away from his will, with the matter being prepared for him, so he transcends all the forms and positions without suffering.” As for the “wisher,” he is one who is devoid of his will. Abu Hamid said, “He is the one for whom the names are correct, and he is included in the group of those who are disconnected from God by name.” As for the person who wants In our case, we use it to refer to two people in two cases: one is the one who takes the path with suffering and hardships, and those hardships do not divert him from his path, and the other is the one whose will is carried out in things, and this is what is achieved by will, not what is desired.

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If you say, “What is will,” we say, “A swell in the heart,” which they call and mean by it the will to wish, which is from it, the will of character, and its connection to the psychological line, and the will to truth, and its connection to sincerity, and that is according to the obsession .

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So, we have shown you that the stations and ranks are connected in a kind of proportionality and are related to each other, and a few have taken this path in clarifying them, and this is the course of the series on the languages of the Arabs, and it is a strange method that Ibrahim bin Adham and others, may God be pleased with them, pointed out, and that from it is an explanation of the people’s terminology, and it came from that. Among them are two benefits, the first is knowing what they agreed upon, and the second is the occasions between them, and God is the Granter of success.

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What is the interpretation of the Mother of the Book? He has preserved it from all the messengers for himself and for this nation.

The answer: The mother is the unifying one, and from it is the mother of villages, and the head or the body is said to be the mother of his head because it is the sum of all the sensory and moral faculties that man has .

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Al-Fatihah was the mother of all the revealed books, which is the Great Qur’an, that is, the great collection that contains everything. Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was given the comprehensive words, so his law included all the laws. He was a prophet and Adam was not created, so from him the laws branched out for all the prophets, peace be upon them. They are his messengers and his deputies in The earth is due to the absence of his body, and if his body had been present, no one would have legislated with him. This is his saying: If Moses had been alive, he would have had no choice but to follow me.

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And God Almighty said, “Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in it is guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to those who have been guided judge by it, and we are the Muslims and our scholars are the prophets, and we judge the people of every law according to their law, for it is the law of our Prophet, since he is the one who established it, and his law is its origin, and it was sent to all people, and that was not for anyone else, and the people From one Adam to another A human being, and among them were the laws, they were the laws of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in the hands of his deputies, for he was the Messenger sent to all people, so all the messengers were his deputies, without a doubt. When he appeared in person, there was no ruling left except for him, and no judge remained except for him, and no ruler except that he returned to him, and his rank required that he be specialized in a matter. When his eye appeared in this world, no one gave him I

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And He gave him the Mother of the Book, and it included all the pages and books, and it appeared to us in a summary of seven verses containing all the verses, just as the seven divine attributes included all of the divine names, and each divine name goes back to one of them without a doubt. This was done by Professor Abu Ishaq Al-Asfaraini in the book Al-Jali and Al-Khafi. He attributed all the names to them, and what was found of the divine names for the attribute of speech except the name “the grateful” and “the thankful” in particular. And the rest of the names he divided by the attributes, so I accepted them as they undoubtedly included them. Some of them he attributed to knowledge and some of them to power.

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