The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The knowledge of the saints does not go beyond the intrinsic attributes in terms of what is attributed to the truth described by them, not in terms of what is indicated by the evidence of the narrations. They know the world from God, and they know God through God, and those without them know God from the world, but as for the world, no one knows him from himself except the greatest men who They do not know things or information except from their essences and essences, so they do not take evidence of the thing or known thing other than that known thing. This is due to the high degree of correspondence and the prevalence of oneness in every known thing. Just as there is no correspondence between God and His creation, likewise there is no correspondence between the entities of the world and the appearances, so they do not know anything with anything. He is not known to anyone else, and the rest of the saints do not have this rank.

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How can a thing be known by something other than itself, when the evidence and the signified are not combined? If one of them is denied in the existence of the other, you are ignorant of the imaginary occasion. For that signified, you only knew it when it appeared to you by itself. As for when you looked at the evidence for your claim, you have no knowledge except of the same evidence, because its essence made you known by itself, not by what you made it. As evidence for it, for the signified, while you know the evidence, you do not know it. This is what made the greatest men not take the matter of the matter, but rather take every matter for itself and its essence, so they know God by God, the Knower by the world, and the names by names, so they have no thought of deducing anything as for the rest of the saints, for they have the everlasting witnesses, so where are all the others? Saints in evidence never bear witness to what is signified, and on this basis their rulings were mad

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As for their places in the Resurrection, they are those who will not fear nor be saddened by the greatest terror, because they have no followers, and they are safe in themselves, so the prophets will especially envy them in that place. As for their places in the dune on the Day of the Greatest Perjury, they will have chairs on which they will sit, and pulpits and beds and mattresses for others, but insofar as they are messengers and prophets. And believers

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As for those who are great in knowledge of God, they have the power to transform into subtleties to transform manifestation into forms, so they are sent for every manifestation in a subtle, imaginary form of themselves that sees what the people of the gathering see while they are in that state in their palaces enjoying the forms of their natural bodies and with God in that He is one. The self with their realities and in the dune upon vision with their moral chips that they created for the images of manifestation and those other than them, then their condition is that if they are in heaven they will not be in the dune and if they are in the dune they will not be in heaven so their maidservants and their children and the elders of the people will lose them and nothing of their dominion will be lost to them, for these people have in their hands the kingdom of their dominion. < / p

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Among them is the one who is at length in asking for someone to intercede for him, and among them is the one who is at length in asking for someone who will be kind to him to save him from the terror of that day, and among them is the one who is at length in asking for someone to bear witness for him, and among them is the one who is at length in asking the opponent to seek retaliation, and among them is the one who is at length to hide and hide from his opponents, and among them The man who undergoes menstruation is to hide his shyness from his acquaintances, and this is what our Sheikh Abu Imran Musa bin Imran Al-Murtali used to do. I said to him one day, “Why do you belittle your acquaintances?” He said, “Maybe I won’t be there with that.” So, I was ashamed of my acquaintances. If I did not see someone I knew, they would be in a state of disgrace, including the man who is menstruating, so that he would be known by his status because of the status he is in. with his Lord,

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As for the group that used to delve into the verses of God and used to mock them, God will immerse them in the depths of their deeds just as they were playing in this world in their delusions. They will be sad in the Hereafter in their delusions. Indeed, those who committed crimes were among those who believed and laughed, and when they passed by it Why do they wink, and when they turn to Their families turn in disbelief, and when they see them they say, “Indeed, these are misguided.” This is their entry into this world, and they were not sent as guardians over them. Today, those who have believed from the disbelievers laugh, form by form, for this is their entry into Standing. God Almighty says, He advises us and warns us against those whose description this is. And when you see those who delve into Our signs, turn away from them...until they delve into... A different hadith. Indeed, then you are like them if you stay with them, and they are like this, even if you do not enter wi

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Indeed, My land is vast, so worship Me. For these people in standing, they will be fought where they are hated, just as they fought here, where the truth is hated from them. And God speaks the truth, and He guides the path.

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