The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

There was an image of an animal, and there is no benefit for us in mentioning what they mentioned about its image, so if that image lulled or a special movement appeared from it, they saw, and their hearts became calm upon seeing that sign of that image, which he called serenity, and the known serenity is located in the hearts, so he did not assign to this nation an external sign. On the authority of them that it has occurred, they have no sign in their hearts other than its occurrence, so it is the proof of itself and does not need evidence from outside, as was the case with the Children of Israel .

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So the beginning of tranquility has been explained. As for tranquility, it is the matter to which the soul is at peace because of what it was promised or because of what occurred in one’s soul of requesting a certain matter. It is called tranquility because if it occurs, it cuts off the presence of a desire for something other than what the soul is at ease with. Hence, the knife is called a knife because its owner cuts with it. What can be cut off with, and this word is derived from stillness, which is steadfastness, and it is the opposite of movement, for movement is a shift, so stillness gives stability to what the soul rests in, even if it rests in movement, this is its reality, and that does not happen except from reading or watching, so it descends upon them while they are believers, and it transports them by descending from the level of what they were in. Believers to the position of witnessing this, which is their faith being multiplied by sight so that they will increase i

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What is justice?

The answer: Justice is the truth by which the heavens and the earth were created. Sahl Ibn Abdullah and others called him justice, and Abu Al-Hakam Abd al-Salam bin Burjan called him the created truth because he heard God say, “We did not create them except with the truth, and We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them except with the truth.” With the truth and with the truth We have sent it down, that is, with what is obligatory for that creature, as required by a special situation, according to the Almighty’s saying, “Then He guided,” meaning, He made clear that He gave everything its creation, meaning that He did not create it except with the truth, which is what is obligatory for it .

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In reality, the All-Knowing is God who knows what entities are worthy of in their non-existence and distinguished one from another with this encompassing ratio. If it were not for that, the ratio of possible things in the mind’s case to what is necessary for them in existence would be one ratio. This is not the case and this is not the case, but rather God Almighty knows what is restricted. Of the possible things in His existence yesterday, it is not possible for Him to bring Him into being today or tomorrow, for part of the completion of His creation is the designation of His time, which is predestination, meaning the times of creation. For He, Glory be to Him, creates without judgment by His decree in His creation, and the creatures ask for predestination by themselves, so He gave everything His creation of His time is in the one whose existence is restricted by time, and of his state in the one whose existence is restricted by the condition, and of his attribute in the one whos

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As for the fulfillment of this name for this relation, know that justice is inclination. It is said to turn away from the path if one deviates from it, and to be fair to it if one inclines to it. Inclination toward the truth is called justice, just as inclination from the truth is called injustice, meaning that God created creation with justice, meaning that the self has merit in terms of Its identity and it has merit in terms of its rank, which is divinity. Since the inclination is from what the essence deserves to what divinity, which seeks appearances for its own sake, is called justice, that is, a tendency from intrinsic entitlement to divine entitlement for the divinity to seek that which it deserves, and whoever gives the deserving one what it deserves, it is called

He is just, and His giving is just, and it is the truth. God did not create creation except with justice, which is giving His creation what they deserve, and there is nothing behind this statement and the

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What did the prophets prefer one over the other? And so are the saints.

The answer: God Almighty said, “And We certainly favored some of the prophets over others, and We gave David the Psalms, and He said in the right of the people, and We raised some of them above others in degrees.” This is a generality among the people, so the saints were included in the generality of this verse, and He said in the right Believers and scholars, God will raise those who believe among you and those who have been given knowledge in degrees .

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Our companions disagreed about something like this, so Ibn Qasi held that each one of them is virtuous and virtuous, so this one preferred this one in one matter, and the one virtuous from that matter preferred him in another matter, so he is virtuous in one way, and virtuous in one way for the one who was virtuous over him, so it led to equality in virtuousness, so he is virtuous

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