The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

There is nothing other than God in this world and the hereafter. Like Abu Yazid, he was asked about asceticism, and he said, “It is not something that has no value to me. I was only an ascetic for three days. The first day I asceticized in this world, the second I asceticized in the hereafter, and the third day I asceticized in everything other than God.” So I called out, “What do you want?” So I said, “I want not to want, because I am what is desired and you are what is desired.” So he considered abandoning everything other than God as asceticism

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Among them, may God be pleased with them, are the men of the water, and they are a people who enmity God at the bottoms of the seas and rivers, and not everyone knows about them. Abu Al-Badr Al-Tamashaki Al-Baghdadi told me, and he was truthful, trustworthy, knowledgeable of what is transmitted, precise and memorized of what is transmitted on the authority of Sheikh Abu Al-Saud bin Al-Shibli, the imam of his time on the road, who said: I was on the beach. The Tigris of Baghdad Then it occurred to me: Does God have servants who worship Him in the water? He said, I had not finished thinking until the river had parted for a man. He greeted me and said, Yes, Abu Al-Saud, there are men who worship God in the water, and I am one of them. I am a man from Tikrit and I left it because after such and such a day will happen. There was such-and-such and such-and-such, and he mentioned something happening there, then he disappeared into the water, and when fifteen days had passed, that matter

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Among them, may God be pleased with them, are individuals, and there is no number to limit them, and they are those who are close to the language of the Sharia. Among them was Muhammad Al-Awani, known as Ibn Qaid Lawana, from the works of Baghdad, from the companions of Imam Abd al-Qadir al-Jili. This was Ibn Qaid, and Abd al-Qadir Ma’rabad al-Hadra says about him. Abd al-Qadir al-Hakim bore witness to him in this matter. The method is referred to his statement about men, that Muhammad ibn Qaid al-Awani is one of the solitary ones, and they are men outside the circle of the pole, and Khidr is one of them, and their counterparts among the angels are the ruling spirits in the majesty of God, and they are the cherubim, secluded in the presence of the Truth, Glory be to Him. They know nothing but Him and do not bear witness except what they know of Him. They have no knowledge of Him in themselves. Their souls, and in reality, they did not know anything other than themselves, and they

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Their position is between truthfulness and legitimate prophethood, and it is a great position that most of the people of our path, such as Abu Hamid and others like him, are ignorant of, because his taste is dear. It is the position of absolute prophethood. He may attain specialization, he may attain legitimate work, and he may attain the unification of the truth and submission to Him and the due glorification of the majesty of the One who bestows His creation and monotheism, all of that. In terms of knowledge, it has a special revelation that no one else attains, such as Al-Khidr. For, as we said, he is from individuals, and Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was, before he was sent and prophesied, among individuals who attained the command to unify the truth, glorify its majesty, and become attached to it, and that is because it occurs in their souls, I mean in the souls of this is their path. Indeed, God is as He has been blessed with the creation and means of goo

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As for the message and prophecy of the general laws, I mean that they extend to the nations and are specific to each prophet, divine specialization in the prophets and messengers is not attained by acquisition or by practice. The speech of truth may be attained by practice, and what is addressed by it, if it is a law that reaches him or pertains to him, is what we say about it, and it is not attained by practice or gain, and it is The known divine jurisdiction and every law by which the one who does it attains this rank, for the prophet of that law is one of the people of this position, and it is an addition to the law of his prophecy. He has a favor from God and a blessing, and it is definitely for Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. And every law by which the one who does it does not attain this position, the prophet of that law did not attain it. This is the status that happened to other prophets of the laws. God Almighty said, “And indeed We have favored some of t

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