The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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And he showed them his right hand, so they kissed him and walked around his house until they finished their Hajj and Umrah. In every ritual, they receive a divine name and receive it from the hand of the divine name, which accompanies them from one ritual to another until they return to their homes, and they are in the grip of those who succeeded him in the family. This is the meaning of God’s delegation, if you understand it.

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Al-Tirmidhi mentioned on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib, who said that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever has food or a camel that will take him to the House of God, and then does not perform Hajj, then he does not have to die as a Jew or a Christian.” This is because God Almighty says in His Mighty Book, “And to God belongs” People are obligated to perform the Hajj to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it.

He said: This is a strange hadith, and there is an article in its chain of narration .

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Know that if the people of the Torah and the Gospel were called upon to make the pilgrimage to this house, he would not have been told that he does not have to die as a Jew or a Christian, meaning that God did not call them to it, meaning that whoever is in this position is not among the people of the Qur’an

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The true agent, the client, the agent servant here is more knowledgeable about the interests than the principal, and it has become apparent to him that the interests in Hajj and the money are in the hands of the agent. He is an agent who does not take away his hand from the money. If he gives him what he can perform Hajj with and does not perform Hajj, the principal’s foolishness is proven, so the ruler sentenced him to interdiction, so Islam prohibited him and assigned him to the fools. Indeed, they are They are fools, but they do not know. If he wishes, he can be judged with the rule of the Jews or with the rule of the Christians who did not address this interest, then he has no share in Islam, because Hajj is one of its pillars, and he was able to do it but did not do it. If he leaves Islam, he does not care to what religion he returns to.

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Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, addressed us and said, “O people, God has imposed Hajj on you, so they performed Hajj.” A man said, “Every year, O Messenger of God.” He was silent until he said it three times, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “If only I said, “Yes, if it is obligatory, and if you are able,” then he said, “Leave me as long as I have left you, for those who were before you perished because of their abundance of questioning and disagreement with their prophets. If I command you to do something, do as much of it as you can, and if I forbid you to do something, abandon it.

Al-Nasa’i said from the hadith of Ibn Abbas. If I had said yes, it would have been obligatory, and then you would not listen or obey, but it is one proof.

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When it was proven that the accountable person is one in his divinity and that he said, “And your God is one God,” then he commanded the intention to go to Him in His house, and He limited the intention and made it one proof for the occasion of oneness, so He concluded the pillars with the same as what He began with, which is oneness, so He began with “There is no god but God” and concluded with Hajj, so He made it one in a lifetime, so its obligation will not be repeated. In days, such as the recurrence of the obligation of prayers, and not in years, such as the recurrence of the obligation of zakat during the year, and the obligation of fasting with the onset of Ramadan in every year, and the Hajj is not like that, so it is unique in being one, because the last in the divine matters is the same as the first, and it is judged for by its ruling. And in the text of this report there are many rulings that would be too long to mention if we started with them, and the hadiths are many

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Abu Dawud narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace , said, “There is no sarurah in Islam.”

In the hadith that al-Daraqutni narrated on his authority, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade calling a Muslim “sarurah.”

Both hadiths are mentioned in it

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A saurah is one who has never performed Hajj, and a Muslim is one whose Islam is proven, and the Muslim’s intention is to perform Hajj and it is necessary. A person is in prayer as long as he is waiting for prayer, just as he is in Hajj as long as he waits for the reasons leading to Hajj. It is not said that he is saurah, for he is a Hajj and it is necessary, and if he dies, he will have a reward. Whoever performs Hajj by waiting, as if he died while waiting for prayer, he would have been prescribed a prayer, so there is no need in Islam.

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Al-Daraqutni narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar, who said that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: If a woman has a husband and has money, and he does not give her permission to perform Hajj, she is not permitted to go without her husband’s permission.

In the chain of transmission of this hadith is a man. Anonymous, said to be Muhammad bin Abi Yaqoub Al-Kirmani, narrated by

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