The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And He said, “They hasten to do good deeds and they precede them.” So he made hastening to do good and to it, and not hastening to it except by committing sins and asking for forgiveness, for it is not rejected except for a sin, and if it is at a time when the servant is covering himself from being afflicted by sins, and he is infallible and protected, then it has both rulings. In the servant, the sin is erased by concealing from punishment or protection and preservation, and it is not returned to a repentant person, for the repentant has no sin, as repentance removes it. Forgiveness is only returned to the sinners in the event that they are sinners who are not repentant, then its ruling becomes apparent. This is a taste the likes of which has never touched your heart before, and it is one of God’s secrets in His hidden servants in the ruling of His Most Beautiful Names. No one can understand that except the people of God who are witnesses. Such a thing is called inclusion,

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As for the analogy of the negation of the furnace, the impurity of iron, silver, and gold, which is what is attached to these bodies in metals from the origin of nature. They used fire to remove that, and they used fire by igniting the air, and they helped to move the air with the furnace. So the slag was negated except for two premises, which are fire and air. If these two forces did not exist, Scientific and practical, this malice has not been denied .

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We have previously discussed the accepted Hajj, although here it has another meaning that is not the aforementioned meaning, but it is permissible to suffice with that first for fear of lengthening, for God’s secrets in things are not limited. Rather, in every case, what only God knows is revealed to those with hearts, and to the common people we do not know that. That is why the elite among God’s servants say: “There is no repetition of the divine breadth.” Rather, proverbs with their images obscure the hearts from this realization, so the common people imagine repetition, and God is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing. So whoever verifies the existence of this vast name does not say by repetition, rather they are in the confusion of a new creation.

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Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Whoever comes to this house and does not commit obscene acts and does not commit immorality, he will return as the day his mother gave birth to him.

And in the wording of Al-Bukhari on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of Allah does not commit obscene acts or commit sin.


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Know that on the day the newborn emerged from his mother’s womb, he emerged from narrowness into spaciousness without a doubt, and from darkness into light, and spaciousness is the mercy of God that encompasses everything, and narrowness is the opposite of God’s mercy, even though mercy expanded him, as it created his eye and made him a judge in the souls of the world. What is the meaning of what God Almighty says: And when they are thrown from it into a narrow place, and the newborn is in contrast to the truth in this matter, then the truth, since it has an attribute, nothing exists except that it was, and there is no dispute, no claim to participate in a matter, no reason for anger, no sympathy, needless of the worlds, so it was by itself for itself in rejoicing. Eternity and the pleasure of perfection in self-sufficiency, so God was and nothing was with Him, and He is as He was .

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When the world came into being, this was the state of this child, but on the contrary, the world competed with him in concrete existence, and he was not satisfied until he competed with him in unity, and he was not satisfied until he attributed to him what did not befit him, so he described himself for all of this with anger at those who disputed with him in everything we mentioned, so it was like Whoever goes from abundance to distress, and from joy to distress, takes revenge and is punished with the quality of anger, pardons, transgresses with the quality of generosity, protects, and protects with the quality of mercy, then the reliance of existents on multiplicity in the one eye appears, and this is based on something other than what this was based on, and the joy of monotheism and oneness in the beautiful names and in the many aspects attributed to it is removed. Judgments, so there was no rejoicing left for the single name, so the matter returned to the oneness of divinity, w

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So the one who went to his house for Hajj or Umrah for the sake of God became in the condition of one whose mother gave birth to him, that is, he went from distress to abundance, so he likened him to his counterpart, the newborn, and did not liken him to the description of God Almighty that we mentioned above, but he stipulated that he should not be obscene, for if he marries a child, he does not resemble the newborn, for if A child went from being able to being able to be in need, so he gained a share in his wealth with the child, and by virtue of the child he became more than by virtue of himself, so the matter became difficult for him, especially if he moved .

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