The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Hajj is a specific, specific genitive verb that a person does like all his other actions in his sales and debts. So he took care to mention these specific actions because they are actions specific to God Almighty with intent. The servant has no worldly benefit except a little physical exercise. This is why the ruling on Hajj is distinguished from all other acts of worship in most of its circumstances and actions in the justification. Most of it is pure worship that has no meaning according to the jurists, so it is in itself the very essence of wisdom, which is created for positive wisdom, and it contains a reward that is not found in other acts of worship, and a divine glory that is not found in other deeds .

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So the crescent at the beginning of the month of standing was in the position of one in number, and the crescent appeared on the first night in it, the truth was manifested in the servant through faith, which is the first thing required by law from the person in charge, and faith is a spirit and his body is the form of pronouncing “there is no god but God,” which is the testimony to monotheism, and so we witness the first night of the crescent, then He continues to magnify the manifestation in the simple numbers until he ends on the night of the ninth, which is the last night of the simple numbers, which are his ones. So he completed his manifestation in the ones of the simple numbers, so he stood at Arafat on the ninth day, and he attained knowledge of God Almighty with the perfection of the simple ones. This is why he met them and entered into it by abstracting from the stitched, which is the composition. You see him wearing the stitched stitch on the tenth day because he moved

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The contract can only be between two people by joining one to the other in the form of conjunction and circumvention, and it is of two types, I mean the contract, which is a noose and a non-noose. So a noose contract is quickly dissolved in what was entrusted to it and made a covenant with God, and other than the noose, it is not quickly dissolved .

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Three actions remain after the nine actions of Hajj, which are the action of Muzdalifah, Mina, and Tawaf al-Ifadhah. The action specific to Muzdalifah is only from the beginning of dawn until sunrise, and spending the night in Muzdalifah is not specific to it, because it is the night of Arafat, and Muzdalifah has no night, and it is for it to spend the night, not the night like the night of Sawda bint Zam’ah. The night is for it. And the overnight stay for Aisha is a night without spending the night, and Aisha is an overnight stay for the night of Sawda, not her night, and that is why that night was added to Sawda by mentioning. Likewise, three ranks of the number remain after the ninth, which are ten, one hundred, and a thousand. And what remains of the number is one rank other than what I mentioned. Likewise, after Tawaf Al-Ifadah, there is no action for the pilgrim during Hajj that is forbidden to him. With it, there is something that is permissible for him, for by it the entir

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The half of the month, which includes walking from it, has ended with the coming out to us and to Him, Glory be to Him, we mean. Then we begin in the second half of the month to walk towards Him from us until it ends with the Night of Secrets, which is the unseen perfection, just as it was in the half, the witnessing perfection, so it completed the unseen and the testimony, and the end came with a second crescent and another ruling. This world and the hereafter, for he said in describing Paradise for them that they will be provided with therein morning and evening, so he made it a place of time known to the Arabs, like this world.

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During Hajj, the pilgrim reaps the fruit of time and the divine knowledge it contains specific to the month of Dhul-Hijjah, and he reaps the fruit of number in divine knowledge, because number has a ruling on it. Don’t you see that he said, “And remember God in numbered days,” and he said, “God has ninety-nine names, one hundred minus one. ” /p>

So he entered under the rule of number with specific names and said that God has three hundred creatures.

So he brought divine morality under the rule of number, for he has authority in the divine things, male, name, and creation. So whoever does not stand upon him is deprived of the great good of knowledge of God, and for this we have presented In this chapter, the presence of singles in multiplicity and multiplicity in singles, which is the number, is the one that gives benefit to those who count. They said, “We stayed a day or part of a day.” So ask those who count, just as he said, “So ask the people of remembrance, if you

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And he made them timings for what we mentioned, because the action ends in the middle of the month, which is complete and perfect in the same matter, for the half does not constitute a sign of deficiency because it is half, and if it were a deficiency, then what happened to him would be qualified in attaining the deficiency because he did not obtain the other half, but rather if he attained the other half. It would have been a deficiency in its occurrence.

God Almighty said, “I divided the prayer between Me and My servant into two halves, so half of it is for Me and half for My servant.

So the perfection of truth appeared in attaining half of the prayer, and if it were characterized by attaining the second half, it would be a deficiency in what God is required to do.” Perfection and the perfection of the servant was evident in achieving half of the prayer, and if he was characterized by achieving the other half, it would be a deficiency in the perfection of his s

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