The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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My God, so it was in the middle and last third of the month, and it was not in the first third, for the first is you and it is necessary, so priority is yours in knowing your Lord, and you and he do not meet, just as the evidence and the signified do not meet. So whoever knows himself knows his Lord, then he precedes you, then you are the guide, so priority is yours in theoretical and exploratory knowledge. Knowing revelation does not come except after practice and struggle, so you must advance in insight and discovery, just as his knowledge of you is from his knowledge of it. If he is not described as knowing himself what he taught you, then consider God’s knowledge of you from where it is, for it is a very precise issue that we mentioned in our book titled “Uqla al-Mustafuz.” And in this book

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Abu Dawud narrated on the authority of Muslim bin Khalid, on the authority of Al-Ala, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out and saw people praying in the area of the mosque during Ramadan. He said, “Who are these?” It was said, “These are people who do not have the Qur’an, and Ubayy bin Ka’b is praying.” While they were praying his prayer, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “They were correct, and what they did was excellent. ”

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The association in it is more deserving of the occasion, since its value is greater than a thousand months, its nights and days, so it has the status of this gathering. And God revealed in it the Qur’an as a Qur’an, that is, in its entirety, and He revealed it with the nouns of plural and greatness, so He combined in His revelation in it all the names by saying, “Indeed, We sent it down in the Night of Decree, and in it the angels descend, and in it only one and the Spirit descend.” The one standing among them is the position of my father in the group with whom he prays with regard to every matter and every matter that requires all the matters that the Truth wants to implement in His creation, and until the beginning of dawn is the end of an end, for it includes the letter “to” to the end, and it is not an end except for a beginning, so it was a plural, so this night is a night of plural, so that is why the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said. May God ble

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And the motive for seeking it are things that require it, and they are the motives for seeking it, which is the greatness of its value, the greatness of the One who sent it down, and the contempt of the one who seeks it to himself by seeking it. For he bears witness to the seeking of this great goodness that he has destined himself with great poverty in return for it, because whenever the servant wants to achieve fulfillment through servitude, he degrades his destiny until he inflicts upon himself the nothingness that It is its origin, and I am not more despicable than nothingness, so I am not more despicable than the soul of the created, so it is also called the Night of Destiny, for the people attending it know their destinies, I mean by their despicableness, even though the good they attain is evil, like those who seek in possibility and lack, and the poorest of existences. He who lacks the needy, so I am not poorer than man, for I do not know God more than him for his associat

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God Almighty said, addressing Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that God may forgive you for your previous sins and those for the future. Muslim and Al-Nasa’i mentioned from the hadith of Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Whoever prays the Night of Destiny and in a Muslim, and agrees with it out of faith and seeking reward, will be forgiven.” He is entitled to his past and future sins.

He says that his sins are hidden from him so that he is not ashamed, and if he was among those who were told to do whatever you want, then I have forgiven you, as stated in the Sahih .

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So the speech of prohibition has been concealed from him and the law has made it permissible for him, so he only spends it in what is permissible, for God does not command indecency. If its value were not so great, God would not have attached it to the attribute of knowledge, which is the most honorable of attributes. This is why God Almighty commanded His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to request an increase from it, and the meaning of my statement is that He attached it to it. God, when

it was stated in the Sahih that if a servant commits a sin and knows that he has a Lord who forgives the sin and takes responsibility for the sin, God says to him in the third time, “Do whatever you want, for I have forgiven you. ”

And there is no reason to make what is permissible. It is forbidden for him to do anything except knowledge, so the virtue of Laylat al-Qadr is equal to the rank of knowledge as we mentioned, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon

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Itikaf is to stay in a specific place, and according to Sharia law, to do a specific job in a specific situation, with the intention of getting closer to God, glory be to Him, and it is recommended to Him according to the Sharia, it is obligatory by vow, and in consideration, to stay with God in what is required of God, preferring to be close to God. If he stays with God, then he is more complete than staying with himself .


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As for the work that pertains to him, there are those who say that it is prayer, remembrance of God, and reading the Qur’an, and nothing other than acts of righteousness and closeness, and those who say that all acts of righteousness are specific to the afterlife, and what I believe is that he has the right to do all acts of righteousness that do not remove him from residing in the place in which he resides, and if he leaves He is not a person in seclusion, and the condition is not valid in my opinion. It has been proven on the authority of Aisha that the Sunnah for a secluded person is not to attend a funeral and not to visit a sick person.

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