The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He who is able to fast says, We have given him a choice between fasting and feeding, so he has moved from a specific obligation to an unspecified obligation according to the obligatory person, even if he is limited, and God knows what the obligatory person does of that, so he made it voluntary, for each of them is not a specific obligation, so whatever he chooses is voluntary on his part. With it, since he has the right to choose the other rather than him, then God gave preference to the fasting that is his to perform, since the characteristic of fasting in terms of what it is is an act of worship, there is no equal to it. If you say that feeding is also its characteristic, then it is food. We said, if he mentioned feeding without the ransom, it would have been, and when he associated feeding with redemption and adding it to it, it would have been. The person obligated is obligated to fast, and God does not oblige him to do anything in the true positive etiquette except what he ha

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Then he said, “The month of Ramadan.” He says, “The month of this divine name, which is Ramadan,” so he added it to God Almighty from His name, Ramadan, which is a strange, rare name in which the Qur’an was revealed. He says, “The Qur’an was revealed by fasting on a specific date, not other months, as a guidance, that is, as a clarification to the people, and the Qur’an is the plural, so this is why He brought you together with Him.” Regarding the Samadani attribute, which is fasting, whatever transcendence therein is for God. He said, “Fasting is for me, and since it is an act of worship, it is a guidance for you.” That is, an explanation for people according to their class and the amount of understanding they have been given about it. For every person has a share in this worship and clear proofs, so each person has clear proof that belongs to him according to the extent of his understanding of it. God’s speech in this is part of the guidance, which is the divine clarification an

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So whoever of you witnesses the month, let him fast it. He says, let him keep himself in this fame, meaning he should keep it free of humiliation and need, so that his joy is great when breaking the fast. And whoever is sick and inclined, and sickness is inclination, or imprisoned, then the sick person is in confinement to the truth or on a journey, reciting the divine names in full taste, or traveling from it to Universes are a number of other days... numbered days in which there is no addition or subtraction from them. God desires ease for you in what He has addressed to you of gentleness in entrusting you, and He does not desire hardship for you, which is what is difficult for you. He confirmed with this saying His saying, and He has not placed upon you any difficulty in religion, so ease is defined here as a thousand. And the L refers to the ease mentioned which is denied in Surah A. Have we not explained which ease I meant for you, which is his saying, “With hardship there is

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And you must complete the waiting period with the sighting of the crescent or with the completion of thirty, and you must glorify God, bearing witness to Him in pride. You should single Him out for it and do not dispute with Him in it, for it is not appropriate for anyone but Him, Glory be to Him. So you glorify Him about the attribute of ease and hardship, for He said in repeating it, and it is easier for Him, so He knows best what He said, and beware of your interpretation and burdening it against you, so He glorified it about this. For what He has guided you, that is, He has guided you to something like this, and He has made clear to you what you deserve from what God Almighty deserves, and that you may be grateful, so He made that a blessing for which we must be thankful, because we accept increase, and gratitude is a divine attribute, for God is Grateful, All-Knowing, so He asked us with this attribute for an increase because He is thankful, for He said, “If you are grateful,

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And if My servants ask you about Me because you are the gatekeeper, then I am close to you in what we shared with them of thanksgiving and fasting, which is Mine. So We commanded them to fast and made known to them that we have what is theirs. So whoever confuses it will confuse it with what is special to us, and he is among the people of specialization, like the people of the Qur’an. They are the people of God and His special ones. I respond to an invitation. The one who calls to God has insight when he calls. He says, “Just as We made you call people to God with insight, We made the caller who calls us to Him insightful by our response to him, unless he says, ‘He did not respond to me,’ so let them respond to me.” That is, when I called them to me in terms of my obedience and worship, for I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they should worship me, so I called them to That On the tongues of my messengers and faithful

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