The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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When I learned that every country has a vision, and that the rule of one country does not depend on another country, I learned that the matter is severe, and that every soul is required by the truth within itself, and no soul can compensate for another in any way, and if a person fluctuates in worship from a direction to himself and from a direction to his Lord, there is no allowance or entry for anything else. He showed me this in an incident, so I woke up from my dream and I was moving my lips with these verses that I had never heard before except from me or from anyone else, and they are these.

He told me the truth in My dream *** and that was not my words

At times I will call you among My servants *** At times I will call you at My place

And in both cases you are with me *** in the protection and protection

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If a person knew from what position the Almighty God called him to fast in His saying, “O you who have believed,” and that He was addressing himself alone with this assembly, then He said, “Good morning, for every greeting from you there is a sadaqa.” So He made the obligation general for a single person, and if this is in his veins, then where are you with regard to his limbs? His hearing, his sight, his tongue, his hand, his stomach, his feet, his genitals, and his heart, which are the heads of his external being, and every predatory body is addressed with fasting, which specializes in it from abstaining from what has been prohibited for it and forbidden from disposing of it, by saying, “Fasting is decreed for you.”

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And know that God called you, from the position of being a believer, from the position of comprehensive wisdom, to understand in detail what He is addressing you with the knowledge of what He wanted from you in this worship. He said, “Fasting is decreed upon you, that is, abstaining from everything that is forbidden to you from doing or abandoning it, as it was decreed upon those before you, meaning fasting from In terms of what is fasting, if it also means fasting in Ramadan itself, as some of them said, except that those before us from the People of the Book increased it until they reached fifty days, which is what they changed .

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And his saying, “As it was written,” meaning an obligation on those before you, and they are the ones who are your predecessors in this ruling, and you are their successors, so that you may become righteous, that is, take fasting as a protection.

For the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told us that fasting is a shield.

Paradise is protection, and they do not take it as protection unless they make it an act of worship, so fasting is for the sake of truth from the point of view of the transcendence it contains, and from the point of view that it is an act of worship for the servant, it is a shield and protection from a claim regarding what is for God and not for him, for fasting has no equal to it, so it is for one who has no equal, so fasting For God, not for you .

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Then he said, “numbered days.” The One who works on the days wrote the first, without a doubt, for we do not have what was written for me before us. Was one day, which is Ashura, written for them, or were days written for them, and what was written for us is only a month, and the month has either twenty-nine days or thirty days, according to what we see? The crescent and the days are from three to ten and nothing more. The wording of the Qur’an conformed to what the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, informed us about the number of days in the month. He said, “The month is like this,” and he pointed with his hand, meaning ten days. Then he said, “And like this,” meaning ten days, and so on. He held his thumb on the third, meaning nine days. And the other time, he did not. With the thumb crossed, he also meant ten days, and that is when God Almighty said, “numbered days.” The Lawgiver numbered the days of the month in tens, so that it is correct to mention the

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Then he said, “Whoever of you is sick or on a journey, then a number of other days.” Then he mentioned the days as well and referred to those addressed by his saying, “Among you,” and they are those who have believed, meaning “sick,” meaning in confinement to the truth, or on a journey, and they are people who walk on the path to God in places and conditions and traveling from Travels, which is the manifestation, because the book is called a travel because it reveals the morals of the men in it, so it resulted in them the position and the state in this behavior. The work is not theirs, even if they are in it, but God is the one who works with them, as the Almighty said. And you did not throw when you threw, but God threw, so it is a number of other days, meaning in The time of the hijab is another day until the obligation finds a place that accepts it as an obligation. We have previously discussed something like this from this section, so let him look there .

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Then he said, and those who are able to do it must pay a ransom by feeding a poor person. So whoever does good voluntarily, it is better for him, and that you fast is better for you, if you only knew .

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