The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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One time and it does not help another time due to a defect in it. The soul’s response to oppression in what does not help in obedience to God is zakat on it, like someone who wants to pray and finds laziness in his limbs and weakness and is discouraged from it even though he desires it. So paying zakat at that time is to establish it and not leave it while it is laziness while it is in that. Time is distinct from the concept of being taken for offspring because it contains males and females, meaning the thoughts of the mind and the thoughts of the soul.

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On free-range camels, cows, sheep, and non-free-range ones .

Some people imposed zakat on all of them, whether free-range or non-free-range, and most of them held that there is no zakat on non-free-range camels of these three types .

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The normal are all permissible and non-permissible actions except the permissible. Whoever said that zakat is permissible in the normal one said that what is permissible is when it is accompanied by heedlessness. They oblige a person to be present when he does what is permissible. It is permissible by the law’s permissibility, and if his action was not permissible, what he did. This amount of consideration is As for the non-permissible ones, there is no zakat on them, because they are all actions restricted by obligation, recommendation, prohibition, or dislike. For all of them, the servant has no choice at all in them, so they are all for God Almighty. And whatever belongs to God, there is no zakat on it, for zakat is God’s right in all of this, and some of our companions attached the recommended and disliked to the permissible, so they made zakat on it. Like what is permissible, regardless, and another group said what is like what is permissible, for there is something simil

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The picture in the semblance is that the simah is owned and the non-simah is owned, so they are united by ownership, but the ownership of the non-asimah is proven by the owner’s occupation with it and his commitment to it, and the simah is not like that, even if it is property. Likewise, the recommended and the disliked one has the choice in action or omission, so it is similar to what is permissible and it is rewarded in both of them to act and omit, so it is similar to what is obligatory and what is forbidden. This is the lion of the sects of our people .

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And whoever says that zakat is due on all, he says that it is obligatory on all, whether or not they are normal, because the actions committed by the servant are attributed to the servant in a divine relationship, and if the evidence requires otherwise, then zakat is obligatory on all actions due to their relation to the created being .

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The form of zakat involves your remembering that everything that happens from you by decree and decree is about witnessing and being fully present in every action when you begin the action, and that decree is the time for zakat in the same position as the end of a year, and the decree for that deed in which it is possible to return to God is the quorum for that deed, and this is the doctrine of the scholars. By God, all actions belong to God with one face, and they are attributed to the servant with one face, so they are not obscured by one face from another, just as he is not distracted by one matter from another .

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Some of them did not consider zakat except in these three types, and among them were those who said that zakat was on all stored and foraged plants, and among them were those who said that zakat was on everything that the earth produces, except for grass, firewood, and reeds.

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This type is specific to the heart, as it is the place where thoughts grow and where their ruling on the limbs is revealed. Every thought that grows in the heart and appears on the outside of his body is subject to zakat, according to the testimony of everyone who sees it. Indeed, it is the action of the one to whom it appears, so he must pay zakat by returning it to God. It is his zakat, and if it does not appear, then its owner is not free of what has sprouted in his heart. Was he among those who saw God in him or before him? If he is of this category, then no zakat is owed on it, for it belongs to God, and whoever sees God after him for his sake, then that is the exact zakat he has paid, even if he does not see God in a way, it is obligatory. Zakat is due on him according to the scholars of God, but zakat is not obligatory on him according to the jurists among the people of the path, because the legislator did not consider it for them until the act occurred, so it was a pla

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If the plant is one of the thoughts that provide sustenance for the soul, then zakat is due because of the soul’s sustenance. If the sustenance of the soul is dependent on it, then there is no zakat. If the sustenance of this person, whose characteristic is this, then he is God by whom everything is established. It was said to Sahl bin Abdullah, “What is sustenance?” God said. It was said to him, “We asked you about the sustenance of ghosts.” He said, “God.” When they insisted on him, he said, “What do you have to do with it? Leave the land to its owner and builder. If he wishes, he will restore it, and if he wishes, he will destroy it.”

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As for the quorum in the members, it is to exceed in each member from the first to the second, but from the first that was pardoned, not from the first that is recommended, because the first that was pardoned, there is no zakat on it, as it belongs to God, and the second is yours, so zakat is due on it, and it must be whether it was at the first sight, first hearing, or The first word, the first assault, the first effort, or the first thought .

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