The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Goodness is in it, for if the matter is of this kind, there is hope that the money will be for good, and if it enters the Fire, then God is too great, greater, and just to punish someone who is forced to be oppressed. He said, “Except for him who is forced and whose heart is at peace with faith. ”

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The ruling on the coerced person has been proven in the Sharia, and the punishment of the coerced person who agreed upon and the coerced person who disagreed is known. These limbs are among the coerced ones who are agreed upon as being coerced. These organs bear witness without a doubt to the soul that manages it and has authority over it. The soul is what is sought by God regarding His limits and is responsible for them, and it is linked to the senses and the powers. There is no separation from these natural bodily tools, which are just, pure, pleasing, and whose speech is heard, and there is no torment for the soul except through the torture of these bodies, which feel the tangible pain of the flow of the animal spirit in them.

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And the torment of the soul with worries and anxieties, the predominance of delusions and bad thoughts, and the pain it sees in its subjects and the changes that occur to it, each type with the kind of torment that befits it. It has been told of its outcome due to its faith in happiness, because the oppressed person is not held accountable for what he was forced to do, and the limbs are not tormented with pain except for their sensation. Also, with the pleasure in what it attained in terms of its animality, so understand, its image is the image of one who is forced to commit adultery, and there is a dispute about it, and the soul is not held accountable for its concern unless it does what it intends to do with the limbs, and the animal soul helps itself despite being in a sense forced, so there is no work for the souls except with these tools, and there is no movement in the work of the tools except for psychological purposes. Just as the action was in the aggregate, the torment o

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Then the ruling of the Sharia, which removes from the soul what it was concerned about, and the moral torment is also removed from the believer, so no moral or sensory torment remains for any of the people of faith, and as short as the time in the worldly life is for that work because there is pleasure in it and the days of bliss are short, the duration of the torment is for the soul. Rationale and animal perception, despite the shortness of time corresponding to the time of action, for the breath of worries is long, so how long is the night for those who suffer pain, and how short it is for those who have pleasure and bliss, for the time of hardship is long for its owner and the time of prosperity is short.

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And know that zakat has a quorum and a year, that is, an amount in the eye and time. Likewise, the consideration in zakat on organs has a amount in the eye and time, so the quorum is reaching the eye to the second look, as it is the intended one, and listening to the second hearing, and likewise the seconds in all the organs for the sake of the intention, and the temporal amount accompanies it, so let us remember. What is appropriate for this topic is a question by question according to what God Almighty brings to mind about it, and God grants success and guides to a straight path .

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Jewelry is what is taken for adornment, and adornment is commanded. God Almighty said, “O children of Adam, take your adornment at every mosque.” And God Almighty said, “Say: Whoever forbids the adornment of God which He has brought forth for His servants and adds it to himself, he has not added it to this world nor to Satan, and zakat is his right, and it is not an addition.” To him, he has no right to it because it is all his, so there is no zakat on God’s adornments

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And whoever uses it for the adornment of this worldly life and the adornment of God is taken away from him, zakat is obligatory on him, which is that he makes God a share in it, reviving with it what he has added to himself, purifying it, and sanctifying it, just as God has prescribed for man to seek help from God and ask for help from Him in his actions that God, Glory be to Him, has commissioned him to do, and He is the Worker, Glory be to Him. No worries. Likewise, zakat should be given to the adornments of this worldly life, and if it is the adornment of God which He has provided for His servants, then they are obligatory for zakat on that adornment just as it is obligatory for those who made it obligatory for jewelry.

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They disagreed regarding horses. The majority is of the opinion that there is no zakat on horses. Some people said that if they are purebred and the offspring are intended for them, then zakat is due on them, I mean if they are males and females.

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This type of animal and others like it are among the adornments of God. God Almighty said, “And horses, mules, and donkeys that you may ride on them as an adornment, and they are among the adornments of God that He has brought forth for His servants. Then it is one of the animals that has the ability to fight and flee, so it is the most useful animal to struggle with in the path of God, so most likely it belongs to God.” And whatever belongs to God, what is in it has a right to God, because it is all God.

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The soul is composed of the body, so if the body is in the mood and composition of its natures such that it helps the pure, believing soul to do what it wants from it, such as turning to obedience to God and fleeing from disobedience to God, then it belongs to God, and what belongs to God has no right to it because it is all God’s, and if the body helps


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