The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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From the perspective of a person wishing that if he had money he would work with it righteously, then God will record for him a reward for his work, for his intention is better than his work, and it will be written for him according to the best luck, and he is under the protection of others, with nothing in his hand from it, so if what he wished for happens to him. Of money or of what he wished to enable him to achieve the work of that righteousness, he must do that righteousness that he intended. If he does not do that, the reward of what he intended is not recorded for him. If he dies before achieving what he wished, the reward of what he intended is written for him. God Almighty said, “Indeed, your wealth and your children are only a test.” A test to establish evidence regarding the truth or falsity of a claim.

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From this point of view is their difference regarding the zakat on fruits.

The basic hermitage. Some say that there is zakat on it, and there are those who say that there is no zakat on it. Some people differentiated between it being a hermitage for the poor, so there is no zakat on it, and it being established on a specific people, so zakat is obligatory on it, and with the obligation of zakat, I say it was. On those who were appointed or not, and if they were appointed by people, they must pay zakat, and if they were not appointed, the ruler must take zakat from them by virtue of agency.

Considering the internal in that

Fruit is the work of man. The person obligated and the work may be sincere to God, such as prayer, fasting, and the like, and it may be due to others, such as zakat, except that it is lawful, such as when a person does a work and says, “This is for God, but for your faces, so it is for your faces,” or “I have no money but God and you . ” The

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This is the consideration of the one who sees zakat in it, and whoever sees that there is no zakat in it, meaning that God has no right to it, then considering the saying of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, then for your sakes, God has nothing of it, meaning that God has no right to it. And whoever sees that zakat is the right of the poor, sees in his consideration that Zakat on the locked fruit is the original, which is the work of this slave who is locked up by his master and will never be freed. He says that the work belongs to God by virtue of the endowment, and the fairies and their like have a share of that work, and it is expressed in zakat, as some of them said regarding the Mujahideen.

The gates of Eden are opened *** and the Houris among them are raised

So stay ahead, as long as you are ahead *** And hasten, O invaders.

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Patience and steadfastness from the work of jihad are in the same position as zakat from the fruit, and it is a barrier. The origin is the Almighty’s saying: And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Him. He did not create them except to worship Him, so they are subject to it. Then He made their deeds, which are in the position of fruit from trees, a share for God, which is sincerity in work, and it is from work. It is a right for the employer, which is what he gets in reward for it, and it is in the same position as zakat, which is required for reward. This is the basis of zakat on retained fruit, according to their differences, and God is the Guide.

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In this regard, on whom is zakat due?

What is produced by the rented land. Some of the scholars said that zakat is due on the owner of the crops. Some people said that zakat is only obligatory on the owner of the land, and nothing is due on the tenant. With the first statement, I say that zakat is on the owner of the crops.

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Consideration in this

The imam, the muezzin, the mujahid, the one who works to give charity, and everyone who takes a wage for his work from those who hire him for that, and the rented land is the soul of the person responsible, and what it produces is what is apparent from this soul in terms of work. And the true sower, the Almighty, says, “Do you cultivate it?” Or are we the farmers, and the Lord of the Earth is the Lawgiver and He is the Truth, Glory be to Him, from the fact that He is the Lawgiver, as He is in the crops, from the fact that He is a successor. God Almighty said, informing about some of His prophets, and my success is not except with God .

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God Almighty sows the love of guidance and success in the land of souls, so the land of souls emerges according to what was sown in it. And what appears from this land is what God has a right to, and some of it has a right to man. So what is for God is expressed in zakat, and what remains is for man, and rent is lawful, for God He bought our souls from us, then rewarded us for them with a tenth. He said, “Whoever brings a good deed will get ten times as much.” A good deed from us is the tenth that we give Him, Glory be to Him, of what He planted in the lands of our souls of goodness that produced this good deed .

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