The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Tayammum is invalidated if there is water and the ability to use it, and there is no doubt that everything that exceeds the obligatory prayer is voluntary, whether it is obligatory or not, because the obligatory prayer is undoubtedly more certain than it, and the time for the obligatory prayer is based on the established residence, so the voluntary prayer is delayed, as the addition to the thing is not fulfilled. Except after the occurrence of the thing, the increase indicates the existence of an auction over it that precedes its existence, which is the obligation, which is the basis for the obligation, and so it is in the matter itself, for the obligation is the project that the one who abandons it is sinful, and the voluntary act only occurs after it has been established, so for it to be additional, it is invalidated, for when it is additional and what is proven is a matter before it. This is added to it, so the name of the additional one is valid for it, and observance of t

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Whoever says that he should make up for it after the morning prayer, and that is what I say. Some people said that he should make up for it after sunrise, and the people of this opinion differed. Some of them made this time for it not sufficient, and among them were those who expanded it, saying that he should make up for it from the time of sunrise until the time of noon and not make it up after noon, and those who say Some of them prefer it, and some of them are good.

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Every right of God is obligatory or desired. If its time has passed, no time has restricted it, for what the Sharia has restricted, let a judge perform it whenever he wishes, unless he dies, unless it is due to forgetfulness, then he will perform it, and that is its time, and he will never be a judge in sleep or forgetfulness . < /p>

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Some people said that it is obligatory, and I say this for the matter proven from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. Some people said that it is a Sunnah, and some people said that it is desirable, but some people did not see it as

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There is no doubt or concealment for everyone who knows the law of God from the hadith scholars, not from the jurists who imitate the people of ijtihad like the jurists of our time, and they have no knowledge of the Qur’an or the Sunnah, and if they memorized the Qur’an and saw in it what contradicted the doctrine of their sheikh, they did not pay attention to it, nor did they act on it, nor read it according to a quotation point. knowledge, and they relied on the doctrine of their imam that contradicts this verse and the report, and they have no excuse with God for that. The first to disavow them on the Day of Resurrection is their imam, for they will not be able to prove from him that he said to the people, “Imitate me and follow me,” for that is one of the characteristics of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. If they said, “God commanded us to follow them,” so he said, so they were asked. People of the Remembrance, if you do not know, and we asked them and th

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It has been proven in the Sahih that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to lie down after the two rak’ahs of Fajr

It has been proven in the Sahih from the hadith of Abu Hurairah that the command to lie down for everyone who prayed the two rak’ahs of Fajr

So what I agree with is To him, the one who does not lie down is disobedient, and the obligation depends on him, so he should lie down and it is necessary, even if he fulfills it when he fulfills it, and if the fa gives the repercussions, then some of the later scholars who have preserved the people of Zahir said that the morning prayer is not valid for the one who kneels the two rak’ahs of dawn and does not lie down, and if he does not perform the two rak’ahs of dawn, the morning prayer is valid. He has

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Lying down after the two rak’ahs of dawn and before the morning prayer, because the dislike has attached itself to the obligated one, as he does not pray after dawn has broken except the two rak’ahs of dawn, then he prays the dawn prayer. It is similar to the obligatory duty, so lying down came between it and the morning prayer, so that the Sunnah can be distinguished from The obligatory prayer and let him stand up for the obligatory prayer from lying down until he knows that he has separated from the two rak'ahs of Fajr, for if he had risen to the dawn prayer after the two rak'ahs of Fajr, he would have become confused with the four rak'ahs of the prayer .

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