The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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This is in the voluntary prayers, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, never performed the Witr prayer except for a voluntary intercession, except that

His saying that the Maghrib prayer is the odd prayer of the daytime prayer

He legislated the Witr prayer for the odd prayer of the night prayer and the daytime prayer. Among them are obligatory and voluntary prayers. We learned that one of the people may not pray the sandals, such as Dimam ibn Thalabah al-Saadi. He performed the witr prayer for him as the Maghrib prayer and the obligatory prayers during the day. Witr may perform the prayers of the afterlife for him if he performed it with one or more than one prayer, unless he sits, as the voluntary prayer does not strengthen the force of the obligatory prayer. It is obligatory with his strength to perform the Witr prayer during the day, and if the Maghrib prayer is three rak’ahs, he sits in it from two rak’ahs and stands for a third. It

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From its time, it is agreed upon, and it is from after the final evening prayer until dawn, and from it there are five opinions differing about it. Some say it is permissible after dawn, some say it is permissible as long as dawn has not arrived, some say he prays after dawn, some say he prays even if the sun has risen, and some say it is permissible as long as dawn has not arrived. Someone who prays on the coming night. These sayings were narrated by Abu Bakr bin Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir in the book Al-Ashraf fi Al-Khalaf, which I say is permissible after sunrise, and this is the saying of Abu Thawr and Al-Awza’i.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, made the sunset prayer the odd string of prayer. During the day, despite the fact that he does not pray until after sunset.

The same applies to the Witr prayer, even if a person abandons it during the night, then he is neglecting the Sunnah. If he prays it after sunrise, then it is consid

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Witr is not restricted to times, even if it appears at times, because if it were restricted, it would not be valid for it to be isolated, for the restriction is against absoluteness, especially as we have shown you in what we have mentioned in this book and in the Book of Time, that time is a nihilistic matter that does not exist, and Witr is an existentially verified matter. How can the existential command be bound to the non-existent command so that this influence influences it? Attributing the influence to the existential matter is more deserving and preferable to every rational person. If time does not restrict the Witr prayer, he can pray the Witr prayer whenever he wants, and his perseverance in performing it before dawn is preferable, for it is the Sunnah, and following in acts of worship is preferable. Rather, this speech that we have cited is as you give. The facts are in the considerations, so understand, just as if we consider the Witr Dhal of what occurred during t

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Discussion has already been made in explaining the wording of the Witr Qunoot in the chapter on Qunoot from this section, and people disagreed about it. Some say that it is permissible in the Witr Qunoot, some say it is forbidden, some say it is permissible in the first half of Ramadan, some say it is permissible in the second half of Ramadan, and some say it is permissible in Ramadan. In my view, all of this is permissible. Whoever does what he did has an argument, but this is not the place for it.

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Witr, when it is not valid unless it is based on an intercession, either obligatory or Sunnah, does not strengthen the power of unifying the intrinsic oneness, which is not the result of an intercession and is not generated in the soul of the knower by looking at something like

Whoever knows Himself knew His Lord

This is the knowledge of the Witr, not the knowledge of intrinsic oneness, and Qunoot is supplication, supplication, and supplication, which is what the Witr carries in terms of the effect of intercession before it, which is this Witr knowledge as a result of it, so it is necessary to supplicate from the Witr and for this reason the Truth called upon His servants and said, “Let them respond to me.” And He said By God, they call to Paradise and forgiveness, and he said, By God, they are called to the abode of peace, so he described himself as a supplication, which is the Witr prayer, Glory be to Him. So the Witr necessitates Qunoot, so if the servant

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Some of them prevented this because they saw it as obligatory, so they attached it to the obligation by analogy, and the point of agreement among the imams is that the obligation is not permissible on a riding vehicle, and most people agree with permitting the Witr prayer on a riding vehicle because the effect on that has been proven, and I say so .

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