The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is the least and it does not suffice for him to investigate and prostrate. Some of them said that if it was the first thing he did, then his prayer was invalidated, but if it happens repeatedly, he should investigate and act on the basis of suspicion, then prostrate two prostrations after the salutation. Some people said that if he is in doubt, he does not have to return to certainty or investigate, but rather he only has to prostrate if Doubt, and what I go to in this matter is this last statement, even if it is more prudent to base it on certainty.

It is included in the consideration of this chapter.

The first thought, if a person knows it, relies on it, and doubt is the hesitation between two things or matters. Without preferring or preponderance of suspicion, the tendency to give preference to one of the doubtful people is without definiteness, and there is no recourse either to certainty or to the predominance of suspicion, for the ruling is for the owner

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So whoever doubts the evidence of his mind in knowing his Lord and the evidence he heard that opposes the evidence of his mind in knowing his Lord, and he does not trust either of the two pieces of evidence because he does not think that one of the two pieces of evidence is more likely to prevail, then he will not be able to remove from himself the veracity of the frequent narrations that contradict the evidence of his mind in his knowledge of what is appropriate for the majesty of God. From the evidence of his reason, and he was not able to defend himself due to his belief, what the truth described itself as it should be for this believer due to the frequent text in it. If he had not sought for him what was reported in the prophetic report, which necessitates definiteness and contradiction of the two pieces of evidence, and he did not find a basis for preference or combination, then this is the doubter. So let him perform the two prostrations of forgetfulness, since he neglected

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What of prayer is obligatory for notable people

And what is not obligatory for notable people. Know that there are some parts of prayer that are obligatory for notable people, and it is what we talked about in the past in this section, and some of them are not obligatory for notable people. As for those that are not obligatory for notable people Some of them are Sunnah, some of them are obligatory for sufficiency, and some are voluntary prayers. What I refer to is that what is then obligatory except the five daily prayers, and what is other than them should be called a voluntary prayer, as the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, called it. In the report contained in the hadith of the Bedouins, consider it, when the Bedouins said: O Messenger of God, do you have to do anything else? He said, “No, unless you volunteer it.” His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, may be interpreted as meaning, “No, unless you volunteer a prayer, then you are obl

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Prayer necessitates servitude, and when prayer was divided into two parts, as we presented, to what is obligatory for notables and what is not obligatory, servitude was divided into two parts: servitude of necessity, with which I pray the obligatory duties of notables, and servitude of choice, with which we pray except for the obligatory duties of notables, and the Almighty God called them voluntary prayers, and the Messenger called them voluntary prayers. God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is voluntary. God Almighty said, “And from the night, perform it as a voluntary prayer for you.” Some righteous people say, “No one has a definite voluntary prayer except for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. For voluntary prayers are not valid except for those whose obligatory duties are complete and those whose obligatory duties are incomplete.

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