The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Because he was commanded to prostrate, but he did not prostrate, and most of the forgetfulness is caused by Satan, so he is not forced except by a characteristic that does not enable Satan to approach the servant if he is described by it, so prostration was prescribed for him due to his forgetfulness, for it is proven

It is proven It is reported that when a person prostrates, Satan withdraws and weeps and says, “I commanded the son of Adam to prostrate, so he prostrated, and he will have Paradise. I was commanded to prostrate, but I refused, so I am in Hell.”

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When a person prostrates, he is protected from Satan if he acknowledges it, and if Satan approaches him in prostration by mistake, he continues to prostrate by mistake while prostrating, and the matter was in a sequential manner. That is why there is no law regarding someone who neglected to prostrate by mistake, and if it falls, it is not from Satan, and if it is not from Satan, then it is not from Satan. It is a temptation for him, unless the forgetfulness was his own doing. The forgetfulness does not necessarily have to be the work of Satan. Rather, it is caused by the worshiper’s absence from his worship, so his absence from it is the same as the forgetfulness.

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The reasons for being absent from the mind of the praying person himself in any part of his prayer are many. Some of them are satanic, and some of them are the predominance of witnessing them. They are required by a verse from the Book of God regarding monotheism, or a rule of religion, or Paradise or Hell, or whatever requires one of them. If it is from Satan, then the prostration of forgetfulness is for him. In order to force it to force it to be a prostration and to have the effect of his obsessive thoughts on him, as he forced his prostration due to his forgetfulness, and for this reason it is recommended for every praying person to prostrate after every prayer, the two prostrations of forgetfulness, since a person is not without a moment during the same prayer being absent from his being a praying person, so whatever is more, then this will be a compulsion for Satan, and he is The doctrine of Al-Tirmidhi Al-Hakim, and I saw the Zaidi group say it against those who are being l

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Ibn al-Mundhir said regarding this issue, the scholars differed regarding it with six opinions. Some say that there is no tashahhud and no salutation in it, and this is what Anas, Al-Hasan and Ata said, and those who say that there is tashahhud and salaam in it, and with both opinions I say, except that I say that the tashahhud and salaam are in it and it is necessary, except if the prostration is before the salaam. It suffices to recite the tashahhud of prayer and peace from it rather than the tashahhud of forgetfulness, and the salaam from it is like al-Qaran, and if after the salaam there is a tashahhud and salutation, and whoever says in it a tashahhud and salaam without a tasleem, this is the saying of Al-Hakam, Hammad and Al-Nakha’i, and whoever says in it there is a tashuwah but not in it a tashahhud, which is the saying of Ibn Sirin, and whoever says that if he wishes, he should tashahhud and salute, and if he wishes, he does not do it. Ataa And who says that if he prostra

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The scholars agreed that the prostration of forgetfulness is only for the imam and for the individual, and they differed regarding the one who is being led in prayer. He forgets whether he has to prostrate or not. The group is that there is no prostration on him and the imam is responsible for it. Makhul said: The one who is being led prostrates due to his forgetfulness, and I say that, because we did not see that the law made a difference between the imam and the one being led when he mentioned the prostration of forgetfulness, but rather he mentioned the one praying. Especially and not specific to any situation

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And no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another, and no soul will reward another soul in any way, and every soul will be held hostage for what it has earned. So, if you search to uncover this meaning, you will know that the imam does not bear the oversight of the person being led behind him, and that he was swabbed with kohl for his eye in this matter with kohl for injury, so his eye of insight cleared, by God. There is no Lord but Him who is the Grantor of success .

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The person being led in prayer misses some of the prayer .

And the imam must prostrate by forgetfulness. When the person being followed prostrates, the scholars differed as to whose condition this is. Some say he prostrates with the imam and then stands up to fulfill what he owes, whether the imam prostrates before or after the salutation, and some say he makes up for it and then prostrates, and some say if he prostrates them before. He prostrated them with him, and if he prostrated after the salutation, he prostrated them after he made up for it. And whoever says that he prostrates them with the imam and then prostrates them again after making up for it. What I say is that the person being led in prayer should not be without knowing what the imam overlooked, or he does not know. If he does not know, then the imam is not alone. Either he prostrates them before the salaam and prostrates them with him. So if The imam greeted him and stood up to fulfill what he owed, and if the i

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