The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Between the one who hears the sermon and the one who does not hear it. If he hears, he listens, and if he does not hear, it is permissible for him to recite the tasbih or speak on a matter of knowledge and the public, provided that if he speaks, his prayer is not invalidated. It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Wahb that he said: Whoever cancels his prayers, his prayers are four noon. As for those who say that it is obligatory to listen They are the majority, so they were divided into three groups. One group permitted saying salaams and returning the greeting at the time of the sermon. This is what Al-Awza’i and Al-Thawri said. Among them were those who did not permit returning the greeting or saying the salaam. Some of them differed and said they should return the greeting and not gloat.

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Exhortation and reminders are only prescribed to listen to what the preacher and reminder, who is the preacher who calls to God, says, and to listen to him when he speaks in order to see what God is saying on the tongue of His servant, for the preacher is the representative of the truth, so the truth is the one who speaks to His servants, so it is necessary to listen and listen except for what He commands, such as Returning the greeting and praising the sneezer if he praises God. Whoever sees that the truth is the speaker must listen, but with listening, especially when reciting the Qur’an in the sermon. If he does not hear, then in that case he should be busy with what the preacher is busy with, including remembering God, praising Him, admonishing himself, and rebuking Him. And his acknowledgment of God’s blessings upon himself and the recitation of the Qur’an, but whatever happens from all of this, let it be as he said. And the voices are humbled to the Most Merciful, so you

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Bowing is submission to God, and it is eternally obligatory for the entire world as long as the one who remembers God does not neglect it, and everything except the jinn and mankind is one who remembers God and glorifies His praise. If the one who remembers God mentions God, and his heart does not humble himself or submit when he mentions Him, then he does not respect the divine aspect and does not He brings what is due to him of reverence, and the first thing that he hates is his limbs and all parts of his body, and it is known for sure that the one who comes to Friday will attend by entering the mosque and seeing the preacher and intending to pray. He is a remembrancer of God and God has commanded him on the tongue of the translator, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, who Almighty said regarding the one who obeys him who obeys him. The Messenger has obeyed God, and he has commanded the greeting of the mosque before he sits, and what has been reporte

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People differed about this. Some say that the Friday prayer, like all other prayers, does not specify the recitation of a specific surah, but rather recites whatever is available. Among the people are those who limit themselves to what

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, recited it in it, mostly as has been proven. With it is the narration from him, which is the image of Friday prayer in the first rak’ah and the hypocrites in the second, and he recited Surat Al-Ghashiya instead of the Hypocrites, and in the first he recited “Glory be to the name of your Most High Lord” and in the second with Al-Ghashiya

What I say is that there is no timing and following is better

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Al-Munaji is God, and Al-Munaji is an active participle, which is the servant, and the Qur’an is the word of God, and all His words are good, and Al-Fatihah is a must, and the Surah is one of the one hundred and thirteen stages revealed to God, and the Qur’an has been proven in the reports to differentiate one Surah and verse over the other in the right of the reader. Regarding the reward we have in it, it has been stated that Ayat Al-Kursi is the master of the verse of the Qur’an, because there is no verse in the Qur’an in which God is mentioned between what is implicit and apparent in sixteen places, except for Ayat Al-Kursi, which is in the verses. It is stated in the surahs that reciting Surat Yasin is equivalent to reciting the Qur’an ten times and reciting, Blessed be He. In whose hand is the kingdom, you will argue for its reader in his grave, and a Surah when it shakes is equal to half the Qur’an. And say, “O you disbelievers,” a quarter of the Qur’an. Likewise, when G

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