The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Language in Lisan al-Arab. The speaker of the two sermons believes that the preacher must sit between them, that is, between the two sermons, and in each of them he should stand, praising God in the first, praying for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, recommending fear of God, reciting something from the Qur’an in the first, and praying in the second < /p>

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Considering the levels of the pulpit as the stations and advancement in them is the advancement in the stations of conduct towards God Almighty so that the preacher is with insight just as the preacher sees the congregation with his sight, and if he is blind then he is in the position of the one calling without insight and he is the imitator

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As for the sermon, the first sermon is in which he mentions what befits God of praise and incitement to matters close to God with evidence from the Book of God, and the second sermon is in which he gives supplication and refuge from humiliation and need, asking, and supplication for success and guidance for what he mentioned and commanded in the sermon and his standing in the event of his sermon. As for The first, by virtue of acting on behalf of the truth in what he vowed, promised, and promised, is the standing up of a truth based on a sincere call. As for the standing up in the second, it is the standing up of a servant in the hands of a generous master, asking him for help in what God said on his tongue in the first sermon of the commandments.

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As for the sitting between the two sermons, to separate the position required by representing the Almighty Truth in what He preached to His servants through the tongue of this preacher, and the position required by the position of questioning and the desire to be guided to the straight path

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And since there was no text from the Shari’a that obligated the sermon or what was said about it other than his mere act, it is not correct for us to say that he is sermonizing, according to law or language, except that we look at what he did and do the same on the path of following, not on the path of obligation, and God accepts him for what He knows of that. God Almighty said. Indeed, in the Messenger of God there was a good example for you, and he said, “Say, ‘If you love God, then follow me, and God will love you.’ We are commanded to follow him in what he enacted and imposed, so we are rewarded by God Almighty for what he imposed, the penalty of two obligations: the obligation of following and the obligation of the act in which the following occurred, and we reward him in what he enacted and was not imposed by the penalty of one obligation.” And the Sunnah of obligating followers And the Sunnah of an action that does not require it. If that action contains obligatory duties,

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The knower carries the levels of the pulpit to advance in the divine names through creation, and there is a high level, such as the All-Powerful and the All-Knowing, and a level below it, such as the Powerful, and until we know, the platform of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, had three stairs, and also the names are on three levels, and each level has a level, so names indicate the essence and do not indicate anything else. There are names that indicate the attributes of transcendence, and names that indicate the attributes of actions, and then there is a fourth level, and all of these names have appeared in the world. The names of the essence are attached to it and not created. And the names of the attributes of transcendence are sanctified by them, the Lord of the Most High, and the servant is created by them according to what you give him of what befits him. Just as the servant sanctifies the majesty of God. That the attributes of occurrence are per

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People disagreed about listening on Friday while the imam is giving the sermon, with three opinions. Some say that listening is obligatory in every situation and that it is a necessary rule of the sermon. Some say that speaking is permissible during the sermon except when the Qur’an is being read during it. And some say there is a distinction in that matter. < /p >

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