The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Between the two opposites, then he recited He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Inward, so it is permissible for him to establish two congregations in Egypt, one and more than two congregations. He may bear witness to the truth in each of His names, and for each name of it there is a world that the other name does not have, so many collections are established in the human being’s soul due to the differences in his worlds within himself and for each name. Rule and authority in his world and group, and Egypt is one, so he achieved Egypt, authority, residence, and travel in one state and with one eye, and he is called a human being, and he is a scholar, small in crime, big in meaning .

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Whoever looked at such diverse manifestations in the divine names and cosmic entities and that the truth is first from the essence of what is last from the essence of what is apparent from the essence of what is hidden to all the other names would not have been due to the breadth of the matter in himself with the diversity of meanings of these divine names. And the cosmic entities, even if they are multiple in lineage, are one entity, an existence that prevents two gatherings from being held in one Egypt, and every knower of God’s people works according to his time and insight, and that is why he said that the Sufi is the son of his time.

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Sharia scholars differed regarding the Friday sermon as to whether it is a condition for the validity of prayer and one of its pillars or not. Most believed that it is a condition and pillar, and some said that it is not obligatory, and I say so, and there is something in the soul about that, for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not stipulate On its obligation and not on the contrary, rather it has been reported with frequent transmission that he continues to preach about it, and the obligation is a ruling and leaving it is a ruling, and we should not legislate its obligation or anything other than its obligation, for that is a law that God did not permit, so our doctrine is valid in ruling on it while acting upon it, and it must be

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, continued to pray it with a sermon, just as he continued to pray the two Eids with a sermon.

With our agreement that the two Eid prayers are

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The sermon was prescribed for the sermon, and the preacher is the caller of the truth, the guardian of its door, and its representative in the heart of the servant, returning him to God so that he can prepare to address Him. That is why he introduced it in the Friday prayer until Aisha, the Mother of the Believers, may God be pleased with her, made it, according to what was narrated from her, that the sermon in the Friday prayer is instead of the two rak’ahs, so the prayer On Friday, there are two rak'ahs like a traveler's prayer. He enjoined it before the prayer due to what we mentioned regarding the intention of preparing for prayer. He also enjoined the voluntary prayer for the sake of the obligatory prayer, beginning for the sake of remembrance and preparation. The concern of the Sharia is only with what was imposed, and the Sunnah of the voluntary prayer, starting with all the obligatory prayers. Do you not see that when he was obligated to pray the night prayer, he would

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Whoever sees that attention is a principle of the path, such as Al-Harawi and others, said that the sermon is obligatory, like ablution for prayer, a warning. And whoever sees that the purpose is prayer and that staying in it is the same as paying attention to one who is a light sleeper, he makes the sermon a regular Sunnah that should be done, and if he does not stipulate it but persevere in it, then this is attention. Before the monologue, the monologue is more important than paying attention to the focus of the monologue, so perhaps his advanced sleep affected his monologue. God Almighty said: O you who have believed, when the call to prayer is made on the day of Friday, strive to remember God. It is possible that he means here by mentioning the sermon, for he is commanded to listen during the sermon in order to hear what he is saying. You do not see what has been said about the muezzins, that they are people with the longest necks, and the neck is the path of the soul and its

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