The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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And the afternoon prayer, and a group said that he should repeat all the prayers, but if he prayed in a group, should he repeat it in another group? Some say he should repeat it, and some say he should not repeat it. As for our doctrine in such a matter, the group is obligatory if he is able to do it, and if he is not able to do it, then he should pray alone, and if he catches up with the group, even if he prays. In a group, he prays with the group if he reaches it in response to his call for the iqamah. He continues the prayer, and it is a voluntary prayer for him in both cases, and he has the reward of the group if he is unable to do it.

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When the Lawgiver appointed monologue for prayer, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said the hadith and it is in it, and I made the comfort of my eye in prayer a sign that he is one of the people of witnessing the truth in it in a more complete way than witnessing followers in

His saying about goodness is to worship God It is as if he sees him.

And what is specific to worship, and God says that God loves those who repent and they are those who frequently return to Him, Glory be to Him, in every condition that pleases Him. There is no more noble state than prayer for combining witnesses and monologue. He said, “And He loves those who purify themselves, and purity is one of the conditions of prayer, and the lover wishes and desires.” He continues to constantly watch his beloved and commune with him, so how about if the beloved calls him to that by saying, “Live to prayer, the prayer has begun,” then he necessarily hastens and races to

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As for those who hold that he should not repeat the prayer, they are the knowers, just as those who believe in repeating it are the lovers. This is because the knowers knew that repeating it is impossible and that the manifestation that he had in his prayer was different from the manifestation that he had in the other prayer to an infinite amount of time, so when repetition was impossible for him. And the repetition of the divine expansion is not valid for him to repeat. The lover prays repeating while he does not know, and the knowledgeable prays not in the direction of repeating while he knows. Knowledge is the most noble of stations and love is the most honorable of states. And the one who combines the two stations is love and knowledge. He says by repeating for the sake of manifestation and not repeating for the one to whom the manifestation is revealed, so he has priority in every prayer, be it obligatory or voluntary . p>

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As for those who do not consider repeating the Maghrib prayer, then the Maghrib prayer is the servant’s Witr prayer, and the night Witr prayer is the Witr prayer of truth, for the night Witr prayer is one rak’ah, and the one rak’ah is for Him, the Almighty, and the Maghrib Witr prayer is three rak’ahs, so he combined the Shaf’a and the Witr prayer, and it is the first of the individual prayers. Indeed, God is a Witr prayer and loves the Witr prayer, so the servant does not see his Lord in terms of its intercession, but rather He sees it in terms of the individuality of God, and God has the power of individuality in His being a god, and the power of singularity in His being a self. And if the servant sees his Lord in terms of His individual divine power, from that individual divine power, he sees the power of the singular essence, not from the standpoint of the servant’s individual power, for he did not see God except in God, so if he returned to the Maghrib, it would become a powe

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As for the one who does not consider repeating the dawn, then the first dawn is the same as the obligatory one, and likewise the afternoon, the second dawn, and the second afternoon are voluntary, and the human being in performing the obligatory is a pure slave, a slave of necessity, and in the voluntary, he is a slave of choice, and the slavery of necessity is more honorable in his right than the slavery of choice, because in the slavery of choice he has gratitude through enslavement. God Almighty said: They congratulate you that you have embraced Islam. Say, “Do not congratulate me on your conversion to Islam. Rather, God has conferred upon you that He has guided you to faith, if you are truthful.” And when the Truth likened the servants’ vision of Him to their seeing the sun, the sun acquired a greater rank with them, in particular. For lovers, because the beloved set a proverb by seeing her in seeing her in a simile, so if they see her it is as if they are They see God because

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