The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God hears whoever praises Him, then he raises his hands until they are parallel to his shoulders, straight, then he says, “God is great,” then he descends to the ground, keeping his hands away from his sides, then he raises his head, bends his left leg and sits on it, and opens his toes when he prostrates and prostrates, then he says, “God.” Then he raises and bends his left leg and sits on it until each limb returns to its place, then he does the same with the other. Then when he stands up from the two rak’ahs, he says “Allahu Akbar” and raises his hands until they are in line with his shoulders, just as he said “Allahu Akbar” at the beginning of the prayer. Then he does that for the rest of his prayer, even if it is the prostration that includes the salutation. He dropped his left leg and sat cross-legged on his left side. They said, “You have spoken the truth.” This is how he used to pray , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

Abu Issa Muhammad ibn Surat al-T

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When God prescribed for the praying person to say, “Beware, we worship you” with the plural nouns, He indicates that every part of it is required to pray together in one instance, and that is why the first takbir is called the takbir al-ihram, meaning it is forbidden for the servant in his prayer to use one of his limbs in a way that is not part of the prayer. Everything that is permissible for him to do in it is part of the prayer, but it is not part of the prayer of every praying person except for a person praying to whom something of that happened in his prayer, so he did it, and these are matters stipulated for, and every action that is permissible to do in prayer is a prayer, because the law is the same, so the prayer is not invalidated by doing anything. One of them is that the presence of the servant’s group with God Almighty in prayer is undoubtedly obligatory. Each of his members in prayer must perform a prayer, and the minimum that the name “group” can be used for is

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Know that whoever prays and then comes to the mosque is not devoid of one of two aspects: either he prayed alone or in a group. If he prayed alone, he should repeat all the prayers with them, except for sunset only. A group said, “He will repeat except for sunset and afternoon,” and a group said, “except for sunset and dawn,” and whoever says “except for dawn. ” < /p>

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