The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And he said in the other place, O Prophet, fight against the infidels and hypocrites and be harsh with them. This is a matter of showing the pride of faith in the pride of the believer. It is proven that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in a battle when the two armies were seeing who would take this sword by right, so Abu Dujana took it and walked with it between the two ranks in arrogance. A manifestation of admiration and swagger. Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: This is a walk that God and His Messenger hate, except in this country.

If you know that a citizen has rulings, then act according to them, and you will be wise. It is proven that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to the man who taught him the obligatory prayers. Bow until you are at ease while standing, and stand until you are at ease. It is obligatory to believe that it is an obligation.

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Whoever says that he should raise his buttocks to the ground and erect his right leg and bend the left, and the man and woman do that alike. Others said that he should erect the right leg and sit on the left. Others differentiated between the middle sitting and the afterlife. He said in the middle he would erect the right leg and sit on the left. He said that in the last sitting he would raise his buttocks to the ground. He erects his right leg and bends his left, and every one who speaks of him is based on a hadith, so whatever he does of that is sufficient.

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Sitting in prayer is the sitting of a slave in front of the master, and he does not have the right to sit unless his master commands him. He ordered the worshiper to sit in prayer, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “I am only a slave, I sit as a slave sits.”

The best condition for sitting in prayer is the sitting in which he is closest to standing before his master. This is if the state of the knower is the state of what a servant should be in in terms of what a slave he is, and if the knower is in the position of considering the origin of his knowledge of himself in order to know his Lord, then it is better for him to sit. He leads his verse to the ground at the end of his sitting, and it must be closer to looking at himself, unlike the middle sitting, since his sitting in it is an incident that exposes him to the truth of his sitting, that is, his return to looking at himself for knowledge that he wants to attain, so he is like th

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The scholars differed regarding the middle and last session. They said regarding the middle session that it is a Sunnah and not an obligation. Some people said that it is an obligation. The principle that is relied upon in all the actions of prayer is that his actions, may God bless him and grant him peace, are not considered obligatory until evidence indicates that. As for the last session, it is the opposite of the middle session and the majority. It is an obligation and some people said that it is not an obligation. And whoever says that two sitting sessions are a Sunnah is the weakest of the opinions. Sitting during Witr prayer remains to be mentioned after this, God willing, in its chapter .

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As for the middle session, it is, as we said, an incidental incident in order to stand after it until the third rak’ah, and the incidental does not come down to the status of an obligation, and for this reason the one who forgets about it prostrates, and there is a difference between it and the pillar, since it is not associated with the middle session, a command, so it is considered obligatory, but rather it is an incidental command. To the praying person, in his call to prayer from the manifestations of the Barzakhs, he invited him to greet him due to the greetings he had begun. When he saw that that place called him to greet him, he had to sit for him, as was required of him in the next session, which is an obligation, and the wisdom in that is witnessed. The origin of prayer requires pre-emption for the division mentioned in it between God and the servant, so the least of them is two rak'ahs, except for the Witr prayer, for it has a specific description. I will mention it

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