The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for he said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I was given something that no prophet before me had given them, and he mentioned some of them. He said, “And I was given comprehensive words.” Then he says, “And heal me from the diseases of the heart, which are its purposes, not from the diseases of the physical. For you are extremely close to the one whose body you made sick, for you said to me in The correct news that was conveyed to your Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, about you is that you said, “I was sick, but you did not visit me.” So I say to you, “How can you get sick when you are the Lord of the worlds?” He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “You said in response to me, ‘My servant so-and-so is sick,’ but you did not visit him. If you had promised him, you would have found me with him, and whoever you are with, Glory be to You, so how miserable and what You made your servant sick, except that you m

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They differed regarding Qunoot. Some say that it is recommended in the morning prayer, some say it is Sunnah, some say it is not permissible to perform Qunoot in the morning prayer, but rather its place is Witr, some say Qunoot is required in every prayer, some say there is no Qunoot except in Ramadan, and some say there is no Qunoot except in the other half. Of Ramadan and there are those who say in the first half of Ramadan that it is a supplication that the praying person recites, and among them are those who see it before bowing, and among them are those who see it after bowing, and among the people are those who do not see Qunoot except in times of distress, and I say that it is desirable in my view, and a special supplication was narrated regarding the description of Qunoot Witr, and it was narrated in Qunoot as-Subh is a specific supplication that has not been proven. So whoever sees Qunoot should say anything he wants according to his situation, except that he should avoid

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The knower looks at what he knows to call upon or something similar to it. He is asking God to guide him among those whom He has guided. If he stops with the adjective of the word, then he is asking for the future to be in the two pasts, and the future cannot be in the past unless a face brings them together. Then the knower looks and finds that what brings together the past. The future is nothingness, since existence is only valid for the state, and existence is only valid for God. The existence of the situation is an intrinsic existence in which nothingness is valid, and it has permanence. This is how the people of Arabic described it. They said in the division of verbs that the verb of the situation is called permanent, and it exists between two extremes of nothingness in which no existence is possible at all. He is the past and the future, and he is the essence of the servant, so he is described as non-existent, so he is restricted to the past, which is non-existence, and to t

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The servant, who is the created being, in the past is described as bliss, and in the future he is described as bliss, and in the event that he is described with existence in terms of his essence, he is described as bliss. Just as he has no reality that is inseparable from it, but rather it is his essence. Likewise, Ays, who is existence, is the reality of the Almighty God, and he is not described by its opposite, but rather by existence itself. And if he takes away the action from himself and adds it to the cause, then that does not affect his existence for the truth, since we have verified that the servant is non-existence and nothing is attributed to him, and we said about that.

You say about them and admonish them, and what is the matter with my investigation, so tell me what I say.

I say about them, and do they know that I say about them, so tell me what She says

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