The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

There is a lot of difference in wiping, sprinkling, and numbering, and this is not the place for it unless God grants victory and delays the term. So we will make a book on the considerations of all the rulings of the Sharia in all the forms and the differences of scholars regarding it, in order to combine the two methods and show the wisdom of the Sharia in the two forms of origin and the two forms, I mean the apparent and the hidden, so that it will be a comprehensive book for the people of the apparent and the people. Consideration is in the inner and the scales, those searching for lineage, and God is the Supporter, there is no Lord other than Him.

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Many reports and commands have been reported regarding this, such as the prohibition of cleansing oneself with the right hand, touching the penis with the right hand when urinating, not speaking about need, and seeking refuge when entering the toilet, and they are very many. So whoever says that they are all to be referred to as a recommendation, and the group of jurists agrees with this.

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As for consideration, they are all obligatory. The ruling on the inward in the commands of truth is the ruling on the outward, for God only looks at a person’s heart, so the servant must keep his heart always pure because it is the object of God’s view of him, and the law looks at the outward appearance of a person and takes care of him in the earthly world. The house of assignment is more than its interior

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And in the Hereafter, on the contrary, there the secrets are destroyed, and here the Sharia also takes into account the inner in specific actions that the Sharia has obligated him to do, and specific actions that the Sharia has recommended for him to do, and specific actions that the Sharia has given him the choice between doing and not doing, and specific actions that the Sharia has forbidden him to do, and specific actions that the Sharia hates for him to do, and the ruling on omission is also the same.

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They differed regarding these etiquettes regarding facing the Qiblah when defecating or urinating and turning away from it, so they were in three schools of thought. Some say that it is not permissible to face the Qiblah when defecating or urinating at all in any place, and some say that it is absolutely permissible to do so, and I say that abstaining from that is better and better. And some say that it is absolutely permissible. This is permissible in built-up areas, but it is not permissible in deserts. Every speaker has an argument from a report on which he relies. Sharia scholars have mentioned this in their books .

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The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told that God is in the qibla of the praying person, and that when the servant prays, he faces his Lord

Whoever understands from that that the qiblah of the information is attributed to it or attributed to it. In the case of the praying person praying in particular, whoever understood that what is meant is the Qiblah in that proportion, it is not permissible to face the Qiblah when necessary, due to bad etiquette, and whoever understood that what is meant is the condition of the praying person, it is permissible to face the Qiblah when necessary, then he has not performed the specific prayer with the known characteristic.

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Whoever sees the spirit of prayer, which is always being present with God and communing with Him, all his actions are prayers, and he does not say that it is forbidden to face the Qiblah when necessary, for the spirit of prayer is always inextricable, and they are the people of constant presence with God, and those referred to in the Almighty’s saying are those who are always in their prayers with regard. As for the one who does not have the thought of being with God except in times of need, that is a satanic thought that cannot be relied upon, and he avoids facing the Qiblah, and this condition must be in our view, for it is the work of Satan, and we have been commanded to avoid the work of Satan in his saying: It is an abomination from the work of Satan, so avoid it.

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As for the one who sees reception in the built environment and not the deserts, the built environment and the cities are a state of association, so they resemble the association of the divine names. There is nothing except that it is linked to a divine reality through which its rationality is, for the non-existent is linked to exaltation, so the person in this state is not devoid of seeing his Lord in terms of that. The truth is that construction and cities guided him to that, so it was permissible for him to face the Qiblah and have the rule of the homeland .

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As for in the desert, he is alone, so there is no objection to him abandoning facing the Qiblah due to necessity, so he behaves himself and does not face the street out of respect for the words of the Lawgiver, for in the desert there is no state of his being bound to seeing a divine reality except his choice, and the servant should not have a choice with his master. God Almighty said, “And your Lord creates what He wills, and He chooses.” He chose the cities and the built areas as long as they had the choice. What he did not choose for them is not for them to choose. Rather, they stop at the legal ceremonies, for the Lawgiver is God Almighty, so he uses in this view all the narrations contained in facing the Qiblah with the need and turning away from it, and forbidding both .

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We have established in this section of the chapters on purity what is the course of principles, and the comprehensive statement regarding purity is that we say purity from the reasonable human being, meaning what removes it, whatever any of the proofs, whether dialectical or existential, for the purpose is to remove it, not by removing it, unless that which It removes impurity from the place in the place, so the impurity is removed. As for what is incomprehensible in meaning, its purity depends on what God Almighty or His Messenger states about that, and He removes it thereby. If the Truth wills, He will make it known to you of its meaning and its relation, then its removal in your case will be based on verified knowledge. If that is not the case, then it is called worship, which is Absolute meaning

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