The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The scholars differed regarding whose condition this is. Some say that it is permissible for him to perform tayammum if he thinks it most likely that he will get sick if he uses water, and some say that it is not permissible for him to do tayammum. And I say first.

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The Sufi is the son of his time, and if his time is healthy and he is not sick or not severely ill, then he should not perform tayammum, because illusion should not eliminate knowledge, and fear here may be an illusion, so he should not remain with his imitation, and he must look at the evidence, and he who says it is not permissible for him. Tayammum, even if the time is due to fear, is not valid, as fear is an illness and illness, so he should continue to imitate it, and it is necessary

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The scholars differed regarding the intention in the purity of tayammum. Some say that it requires an intention, and some say that it does not require an intention. In the first place, I say, for God told us, “And they were commanded only to worship God, sincere to Him in religion, and tayammum is an act of worship, and sincerity is the essence of the intention.


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If the contract was made with necessary knowledge or out of good faith in a scholar or a father, then it does not require an intention. The condition of intention is that it be present on his part when initiating the act, compared to initiation. And whoever’s belief is like this, then he is not the one who committed the act as long as he lacks an intention. The will of God Almighty, who is the Creator of that action, is sufficient in this chapter, for nothing comes into existence except through the attachment of a will from Him, Glory be to Him, to create it, and it cannot be created except through it. God Almighty said, “Our saying to a thing when We intend it is only to say to it, ‘Be.’ And this is an action that creates it in the servant, so the ruling on what was mentioned must be governed.” In it, Zafar’s doctrine in this matter was more correct in the internal matter than the doctrine of the group, except that if he was an infidel who converted to Islam, then this lacked

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The imitator is not obligated to search for evidence from the one he imitated in terms of branches or origin. Rather, what is obligatory for the imitator if he does not know is to ask about the ruling on the incident to someone he knows that he knows from among the people of the Remembrance and give him a fatwa. God Almighty said, “Then ask the people of the Remembrance if you do not know.” And whoever sees that it is a condition to ask for water, then he is the one who asks the responsible person for evidence of what he gave him in a fatwa in his question, whether it is from the Qur’an or the Sunnah, or he asks him to tell him, “This is the ruling of God or the ruling of His Messenger,” then he will take it. And if he tells him, “This is my opinion,” as the people of opinion say in their books, then It is forbidden for him to follow him in it, for you do not worship God except by what He has prescribed in the Book or the Sunnah, and you do not worship God according to anyone’

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Time is ours. If the speech of the Sharia must be attached to the person in charge of what it has entrusted him with, outwardly and inwardly, then inwardly it is a divine manifestation that suddenly comes to the heart. It is called an attack on the way .

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God says, “Then perform tayammum on clean earth and wipe your faces and your hands from it.” The scholars, may God be pleased with them, differed regarding the limit for the hands in this purification. Some say that its limit is the same as its limit in ablution, and some say it is wiping the palm only, and some say that it is recommended to cover the elbows and the palms are obligatory. And who says that the obligation is up to the limits, which I say is that the minimum of what is called a hand in the Arabic language is obligatory, so whatever exceeds the minimum called the hand to its purpose, that is for him, and it is desirable in my view.

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Since dust and the earth were the origin of man’s creation, which is the realization of his servitude and humiliation, then an objection to the claim was presented to him by the fact that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about him that he was created in the image. This, according to us, is due to his readiness with which God created him, from his acceptance of being created by the divine names as they give him. Its truth is that there is a difference in the concept of the form and the pronoun, so what is the text in the chapter, so be proud of this relation and be lofty and arrogant.

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