The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He was obligated to say it and ruled that he should say it. Had it not been for this ruling, he would not have said it on the basis of closeness to God, and perhaps if he had said it, he would have said it as a teacher or teacher

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I entered upon our sheikh, Abu Abbas al-Araibi, one of the people of Al-Ulayyah, and he was reckless in mentioning the name God does not add anything to it. So I said to him, “Sir, why don’t you say there is no god but God?” He said to me, “My son, the breaths are in the hands of God, they are not in my hands. I fear that God will take my soul when I say this.” No to him, so I was caught in the desolation of denial, and I asked another of our sheikhs about that, and he said to me, “My eyes have not seen, nor have my ears heard, anyone who says, ‘I am God other than God.’ I did not find anyone who denied it, so I say as I heard him say, ‘God, God.’ But we worshiped this name in monotheism because it is the comprehensive name used to refer to all the divine names and what has been transmitted.” It occurred from one of the worshiped people in Him, unlike other names, such as God and others, and with this amount of saying, if the Lawgiver’s statement is said, faith is proven. Rather,

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And know that uttering the testimony of the Message coupled with the testimony of monotheism contains a divine secret through which we have known the Truth, Glory be to Him, which is that the one God who came described and described by the Lawgiver. What is the divine monotheism that the mind has grasped? This does not accept the conjunction of the testimony to the message with the testimony to monotheism. This is monotheism in terms of what it knows. What is the Law of Monotheism in terms of what has been proven by rational consideration, and if the God whom the Shari’a calls us to worship and monotheize is only on the level of being a god and not in itself, then it is correct to describe Him as we have described Him, such as descent, leveling, coexistence, hesitation, contemplation, and similar attributes that are not accepted by the monotheism of the mind. Pure, devoid of Sharia law, for this idol, the testimony of the Messenger and his message must be linked with the testimony

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And in faith in God and His Messenger, faith in everything that has come from God and from Him, from what He has enacted and what He has enacted. Among what He has enacted is included faith in a Sunnah from the enactment of a good Sunnah, so the Sharia continues and the desired worship occurs, which does not abrogate an established ruling until the Day of Resurrection, and this ruling is specific to this nation, and I mean by ruling. Calling it a Sunnah is an honor for this nation, and in relation to other nations of the past it was called monasticism. God Almighty said, “And monasticism, they invented it.” So whoever says that there is an innovation in this nation from what the Lawgiver calls it a Sunnah, then what is true of the Sunnah is that what he attained is that, and following is better than innovation, and the difference between following and innovation is reasonable, and that is why the Lawgiver tended to Calling it a sunnah, and what he called it an innovation, because

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