The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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[ Rational monotheism and legal monotheism ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 329 من الجزء One

And know that uttering the testimony of the Message coupled with the testimony of monotheism contains a divine secret through which we have known the Truth, Glory be to Him, which is that the one God who came described and described by the Lawgiver. What is the divine monotheism that the mind has grasped? This does not accept the conjunction of the testimony to the message with the testimony to monotheism. This is monotheism in terms of what it knows. What is the Law of Monotheism in terms of what has been proven by rational consideration, and if the God whom the Shari’a calls us to worship and monotheize is only on the level of being a god and not in itself, then it is correct to describe Him as we have described Him, such as descent, leveling, coexistence, hesitation, contemplation, and similar attributes that are not accepted by the monotheism of the mind. Pure, devoid of Sharia law, for this idol, the testimony of the Messenger and his message must be linked with the testimony


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