The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And it is what we said about it

Fire is two fires, all of it is flame*** and fire means it rises upon the souls

It is the one that has neither burning nor flame*** but has pain in the heart that is imprinted

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Likewise for the people of Paradise, God will give them wishes and imagined bliss above what they are in. It is only that the person among them imagines it or wishes for it, and it will be in it according to what he imagines. If he wishes it, it has a meaning, it has a meaning, or he imagines it as a feeling, it is palpable, meaning that it is, and that bliss is one of the gardens of specialization and its bliss. It is a reward for whoever was delusional here and wished that if he were able and able to be among those who would not disobey God even for the blink of an eye, and that he would be among those who obey Him and that he would join the righteous among His servants, but the care for him in this world fell short, then this wish would be granted in Paradise, and he would have what he wished for and imagined, and God would grant him comfort in this world. Those are hard jobs, and in the afterlife, those who do those jobs will join in the highest ranks. It has been proven on th

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As for reprehensible wishes, they are those that have no fruit, but the one who has them enjoys them immediately, as was said.

Wishes that, if they come true, are the best wishes ** * Otherwise, we would have lived in it for a prosperous time.

But it will be a loss of money. In it, God Almighty said: And your hopes deceived you until the command of God came. In it, it will be said: The inhabitants of Paradise on that day will be best, settled, and best in residence, because there is no comparison between good and evil, so the best of the inhabitants of Paradise will not be better. And it is better except for the fact that it is a tangible, existential reality. It is better than the good that the disbeliever was imagining in this world and thought that he would attain it through his disbelief due to his ignorance. That is why he said it is good and God is good, so he came with the intention of comparison, which is more effe

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The venerable asked for veneration from the venerable *** but the venerable refused to watch the veneration

When the glory of God saw His presence, Abdul-Ilah accompanied Al-Adlal

and he was reassured of himself, strengthened, *** arrogant, arrogant, and conceited.

He granted him an infallible law *** and its authority humiliated him.

He called out to the slaves with impudence and vulgarity * ** O you whose grandfather is blessed and exalted

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God Almighty said, “Say, ‘If there were angels on earth walking in tranquility, We would certainly have sent down to them from heaven an angel and a messenger.’ And God Almighty said, ‘And We will not chastise until We send a messenger.’ So know that the divine names are a mouthpiece that gives them truths, so make Be mindful of what you hear and do not imagine multiplicity or existential gathering, but rather it is mentioned in This chapter is an arrangement of many reasonable facts from the point of view of lineage, not from the point of view of concrete existence, for the essence of truth is one in terms of what it is as an entity. Then, as we know of our existence, lack, and ability, it is necessary for us .

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