The venerable asked for veneration from the venerable *** but the venerable refused to watch the veneration

When the glory of God saw His presence, Abdul-Ilah accompanied Al-Adlal

and he was reassured of himself, strengthened, *** arrogant, arrogant, and conceited.

He granted him an infallible law *** and its authority humiliated him.

He called out to the slaves with impudence and vulgarity * ** O you whose grandfather is blessed and exalted

" lang="en-GB" /> The venerable asked for veneration from the venerable *** but the venerable refused to watch the veneration

When the glory of God saw His presence, Abdul-Ilah accompanied Al-Adlal

and he was reassured of himself, strengthened, *** arrogant, arrogant, and conceited.

He granted him an infallible law *** and its authority humiliated him.

He called out to the slaves with impudence and vulgarity * ** O you whose grandfather is blessed and exalted

"> ( Chapter sixty-six on knowing the secret of the Sharia, outwardly and inwardly, and which divine name created it )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter sixty-six on knowing the secret of the Sharia, outwardly and inwardly, and which divine name created it )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 322 من الجزء One

The venerable asked for veneration from the venerable *** but the venerable refused to watch the veneration

When the glory of God saw His presence, Abdul-Ilah accompanied Al-Adlal

and he was reassured of himself, strengthened, *** arrogant, arrogant, and conceited.

He granted him an infallible law *** and its authority humiliated him.

He called out to the slaves with impudence and vulgarity * ** O you whose grandfather is blessed and exalted


(... Another Random Quote)

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