Wishes that, if they come true, are the best wishes ** * Otherwise, we would have lived in it for a prosperous time.

But it will be a loss of money. In it, God Almighty said: And your hopes deceived you until the command of God came. In it, it will be said: The inhabitants of Paradise on that day will be best, settled, and best in residence, because there is no comparison between good and evil, so the best of the inhabitants of Paradise will not be better. And it is better except for the fact that it is a tangible, existential reality. It is better than the good that the disbeliever was imagining in this world and thought that he would attain it through his disbelief due to his ignorance. That is why he said it is good and God is good, so he came with the intention of comparison, which is more effe" lang="en-GB" /> Wishes that, if they come true, are the best wishes ** * Otherwise, we would have lived in it for a prosperous time.

But it will be a loss of money. In it, God Almighty said: And your hopes deceived you until the command of God came. In it, it will be said: The inhabitants of Paradise on that day will be best, settled, and best in residence, because there is no comparison between good and evil, so the best of the inhabitants of Paradise will not be better. And it is better except for the fact that it is a tangible, existential reality. It is better than the good that the disbeliever was imagining in this world and thought that he would attain it through his disbelief due to his ignorance. That is why he said it is good and God is good, so he came with the intention of comparison, which is more effe"> [ reprehensible wishes ]

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ reprehensible wishes ]

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 322 من الجزء One

As for reprehensible wishes, they are those that have no fruit, but the one who has them enjoys them immediately, as was said.

Wishes that, if they come true, are the best wishes ** * Otherwise, we would have lived in it for a prosperous time.

But it will be a loss of money. In it, God Almighty said: And your hopes deceived you until the command of God came. In it, it will be said: The inhabitants of Paradise on that day will be best, settled, and best in residence, because there is no comparison between good and evil, so the best of the inhabitants of Paradise will not be better. And it is better except for the fact that it is a tangible, existential reality. It is better than the good that the disbeliever was imagining in this world and thought that he would attain it through his disbelief due to his ignorance. That is why he said it is good and God is good, so he came with the intention of comparison, which is more effe


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