The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If time is achieved, its outcome *** is certain, then it is known through illusions

Like nature in its influence, its power *** and the eye from it and from it is non-existent

Through it things are determined and it does not have *** an eye from which it is subject to judgment.

The mind is unable to perceive its image*** Therefore, we say that time is delusional.

If it were not for the wandering, God would not have been named *** His presence is glorified in the heart

The origin of time if it is fair to eternity * ** His ruling is eternal and He is governed.

Like empty space, an extension that has no end *** in a body other than the illu

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Know first that God Almighty is the First who has no priority for anything before Him and no priority for anything that exists with Him or does not exist with Him. For He is the One, Glory be to Him, in His primacy. There is nothing necessary to exist for Himself except Him, for He is absolutely self-sufficient in Him. The Almighty said, “For God is independent of the worlds, with rational and legal evidence. The existence of the world is not devoid of its existence as long as its existence is due to God for Himself, Glory be to Him, or for an additional matter that is Himself, since if He were Himself, He would not be additional, and if He were Himself also, He would be compounded within Himself, and the primacy of that additional matter would be.” We assumed that there is no priority for anything with it or before it. If that additional matter is not itself, it is not devoid of either existence or non-existence. It is impossible for non-existence to be non-existent. For non-exis

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Then we say that people differed in the word time in its meaning and meaning. The sages use it in relation to various matters, and most of them mean that it is an imaginary period interrupted by the movements of the celestial bodies. Theologians use it in relation to another matter, which is comparing an event to an event that is asked about when, and the Arabs use it and mean by it night and day, which is what we are looking for in this chapter and the night. And the day is the season of the day, and from its rising

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