The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And make your ideal law correct *** for it passes and the one who gains it will reap it

He has both evil and good deeds, just as *** his ways exalt the deterioration of his doctrines

So beware of him, for he has a rule in every sect *** if we are ignorant of his gains < /p>

Do not ask for inspiration for its form *** for Satan’s obsession accompanies him

in its form and in the arrangement of its form *** and if it is distinct, then the meaning is close to it

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God Almighty said, “And the soul and all other things, and He inspired it with immorality and piety, from His also saying, ‘All of us. We supply these and these from the gift of your Lord. And the gift of your Lord is not forbidden.’ So He made the soul a place that is receptive to the immorality and piety it inspires. So it distinguishes immorality and avoids it and follows it.” He is strong, so you follow his path, and from another aspect, the verse requires him, which is that he does so by what Inspired her to make a profit or work in immorality and piety, but it is the place for the action to appear, whether immoral or pious according to the law, so it is a middle isthmus between these two rulings .

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God Almighty did not attribute to Himself the permissible thought nor the important thing in it, and the reason for that is that the permissible thought is intrinsic to it, so by the soul of what He created its essence, the essence of the permissible appeared, for it is one of its psychological attributes, without which the soul does not understand. In fact, I mean the permissible thought is a special quality, like laughter, for a person, even if it is not. Of the established chapters, it is a necessary and official limit, because it is the property of the soul to repel harm and bring benefits, and this is not found in the sections of the rulings of Sharia except in the section of what is permissible in particular, since it is the one whose actions and omissions are equal, and there is no reward or burden in it according to Sharia law, and this is his saying and other equalities, which is moderation in a thing. So, your justice is a blessing to man, and there is no section in the

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And what God Almighty mentioned about inspiring it with immorality and piety, then the subject is implied, so it seems that the implicit pronoun refers to the implicit in other things, which is God Almighty and whoever looks at

The saying of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the angel in man has a trait and the devil has a trait.

What is meant by obedience, which is piety, and disobedience, which is immorality, so the pronoun in “He inspired it” belongs to the angel in piety and to Satan in immorality, and he did not combine them in one pronoun due to the distance between them, and it was all due to God’s decree and destiny. It is not correct to say in this situation that God is the one who inspires piety and Satan. He is inspired by immorality because of ignorance and bad manners in this, because of the dominance of one of the two thoughts, and immorality is more likely than piety, and also because God Almighty says, “Whatever good

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I have informed you of the rank of your soul, and that it is not a sign of evil in and of itself, but rather that is attributed to it in that it is capable of inspiring Satan to commit immorality and due to its ignorance of the legitimate ruling in that matter, like a soul that ordered its owner to commit something that it did not know was forbidden .

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