The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

To whom the Truth looked when He brought Him into existence, He did not bring Him into existence except to glorify Him with His praise. And the servant said, “The servant creates in himself what he believes, so he venerates it and does not despise it. What God creates is more deserving of being glorified.” This is a strange joke for whoever contemplates it. Under it is evidence of the knowledge of God, if you know. And the one entrusted with God said, “His affair undermines what the Truth has built.” Unless it is undermined by what the truth has built in it, then it will not be undermined. The speech of God said that the confrontational pronoun is specific, and the third person pronoun is specific, and it is necessary.

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Among that is the excessive closeness of the excessive from Chapter 395. He said, “If you ask, ask that he show you the path to it, nay, to your happiness, for there is no path except to it, whether the seeker is miserable or happy.” And he said, “I am not ignorant of the truth that is pure, that it should be a law for everyone who comes. This is an evil sight.” The intellectual, is there a path that is not itself, its goal, and its beginning? He said, “If it were not for the light of faith, I would not know what sight gives. There is no stronger sense than the believer.” He said, “To confusion is the end, and the one who knows God has no knowledge of God other than it. What a good indication of the fact that God has not sealed the great Qur’an, which is Al-Fatihah, except for the people of confusion, which is his saying, “And not the misguided,” and “the misguidance, the confusion.” Then he initiated its aftermath, “Amen.” That is, “We believe in what we asked you about, for not

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And of these, no one humbles himself from exaltation except one who is immune from Chapter 396. He said, “Glory belongs to God, to His Messenger, and to the believers, so no one humbles himself except a believer, for he has divine exaltation through faith.” The believer’s humility is the descent of the truth to the lowest heaven. The knowledgeable said, “He does not know humility because he is a servant.” And he said, “Look with your mind at the angels’ prostration to Adam.” Their faces were not directed to the bottom except that He was in it so that you could see Him in His rank with an eye. He said, “Man’s caliphate was only on earth because it is his home and origin, and from it he was created, and it is humility.” He said, “God called the entire world to know Him while they were standing, for God raised them before Him when He created them, so He prostrated them, and they recognized Him in their prostration, but they did not rise.” And he never saw anything easy about this pro

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Among this is the one whose affairs are hidden due to ignorance of his destiny, from Chapter 397. He said, “And they did not estimate God as He truly valued Him in what He described Himself with, of what He mentioned in His Book and on the tongue of His Messenger of His attributes, and He said, ‘There is no veil or concealment.’ He did not hide anything except His appearance, and He said, ‘If souls were to stand with what is revealed, they would know.’” The matter is as it is, but she asked for something that was absent from her, and her request was the essence of her veil, so she did not appreciate what appeared as it deserved it, because she was occupied with what she imagined was hidden from her. The first and the last, that is, what you seek in the interior is the apparent, so do not get tired .

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Among these are the benefits of the comprehensive signatures from Chapter 398. He said: The divine signatures do not come out to the world except according to what they have sought of truth, and the purposes are different. This is if the signatures were about a question, which is every verse that was revealed for a question and a reason. He said, “Every surah or verse that was revealed from God is a divine signature, either by knowledge of God, or by judgment, or by news, or by evidence of God. Whatever came down from that beginning is a test, and whatever came down from a question is care and a trial. He said, “A signature is not created from a question except to establish an argument against the questioner.” He said, “The obligatory and irrevocable law is what the truth occurred at the beginning and without it.” What he signed about a question with a statement or a state, and he said, “Existence is the judge and the right hand of truth is the writer and signer.” Every divine rep

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Among that is what the Presence gives in the view from Chapter 399. The Presence said about the custom of the people, the self, the attributes, and the actions, and he said the divine view on creation is what the creation is in terms of disposition, for the world is a path with no choice. He said, “The Truth’s consideration of His servants is to their ranks, not to their notables. This is why the laws were revealed.” On the circumstances and those who are addressed to them, and he said, “The one who knows the revelation of the laws knows what the truth was addressed to from it in his view of it, which is His saying, and you will not be in any matter, nor will you recite any of the Qur’an from it, nor will you do any work, except that We will be witnesses over you when you engage in it, for the circumstances require .

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