The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And from that oath to the nations from chapter 3 and <3 , if it were not that honor is universal and to it the nations will return, the Truth would not have sworn by existence and non-existence, so I swear by what you see and what you do not see. The manifestation of highness is the rank of what is sworn by, but you do not perceive it, for the wretched are happy, even if they are hostile, then it is the distant one, the near one, and the beloved one who is near.

The wretched is wretched in his mother’s womb

because of the grief he is in.

And the happy one is happy in his mother’s womb

because of the grief he has been given to him. His knowledge, for I have seen someone smelling his mother while he was in her womb when she sneezed and praised. When I heard that smelling from her stomach, I walked and prostrated. This is one of those to whom God has bestowed His knowledge in his mother’s womb. So whoever uses as evidence his saying, “I brought you

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Among this is the borrowing of attributes, and where are they considered evils from Chapters 3 and <4 Only the brave and ungrateful will attack the affliction, and only the one who reaps its fruit will know its status. The knowledgeable does not have what he hates, so do not camouflage it. The Truth does not approve of disbelief for its servants, and this is the essence of forgiveness in bringing down the veil, ignorance of matters of sight. The curtains are pierced, and for this reason consideration is legislated. Indeed, in that is a lesson for those with sight. The curtain is drawn, the door is closed, and giving is let down, so what is the use of a veil, nor preventing the door to the sight of consideration? None of the curtains can stop it. You think that you are in a veil from the eyes of loved ones, because you see of the curtains and the veil, and you are looking at you, surrounded by what... In your hands, keep your affairs and guard your tongue .

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Among this is the purification of the names without mentioning the ones named from Chapters 3 and <5 . The Great is revealed in bowing because He is the isthmus of all, and the Most High is revealed in prostration because of the distinction and limits He gives. What is the Most High, but He is the Most High, and the matter is a differentiation, and the differentiation is first, which gave that the ruling image and the origin that exists in the names is multiple. Blessings because they are the presence of generosity. If the Truth prays, then who is the Manifested?

I divided the prayer between me and my servant for his covenant and my covenant. He does not say except I say, and he does not ask except I answer.

The servant is the kiss of truth, and truth is in the servant’s kiss. Prayer is a ruling. It is one in the absent and the present. Fasting is for him, prayer is divided, and Hajj is his well-known remembrance. He takes the charity and raises it out of mercy f

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And of those who come at night seeking to gain access to Chapters 3 and <6. The people of the Qur’an are the people of God and His chosen ones among His servants. He singled out His words for them to commune with Him so that they would not speak except what He said, so they would not speak except with an ancient truth that appeared in an updated form of what happened, so God Almighty does not come to them except in the remaining third of the night. To bestow upon them abundant gifts on the part of the Nile that belongs to them. He forbade the traveler to come to his family at night and to drag along for the sake of generosity if he did that in a way. So we asked for strange wisdom in that, so he displayed a disheveled hairstyle and a sigh of relief, turning away from the evil deeds that had previously occurred to him, and from the souls who understood that, there was no one virtuous. Those who abstain from vices, he said, seeking concealment and preserving a beautiful remembrance,

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Among that is existence in the witness and what is witnessed from Chapters 3 and <7 . Only the people of witness know existence. The eye confirms the eye. All the wonder among the people of knowledge and literature is seeing the truth in ancient times. Their conditions are clearly visible. Nothingness distinguishes them by their essences. In that state, there is no detailing the limits, but rather detailing the vision of the existing. So, The most prominent of them in their existence is the distinction and the notables fulfill their limits. Look and fulfill what He warned you about and conceal. God created in the world of this world revelation and vision, so He sees things that did not exist in their essence before they were, and He sees the Hour in its manifestation, and He sees the Truth judging it between His servants when He revealed it. And then there is no Hour and no state of what He saw. She witnessed, and after that you will be found in her vision as he saw her. If you re

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And from that is the departure from the opposite through the closing of chapters 3 and <8 The conditions upon which creation is the same as the affairs of the Real, and from their conditions are their entities, and from their affairs are their universes, so what is the matter with you that you do not believe in what you see and know that God sees and sees you in your state of non-existence, and your standing is fixed for yourself, and for Himself what you are? With him is like his full moon is with his sun, and you are with him as well .

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