The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

By finding righteousness, even if everyone is His servants in the world of the unseen and the witnessed, then everyone knows his prayers and glorifications, even if I do not spend his glorifications, then I believe that every eye glorifies His praise in every universe

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Among that is being beautiful, the characteristic of the people of the provinces, from Chapter 21, and < Adhering to noble morals is evidence of the generosity of races. Becoming willingly beautified is what is adorned by one who manages and takes charge of the one who is singled out for beautification. It is evidence of the validity of being beautiful. Sharing of attributes is evidence of the dissimilarity of essences with polytheism. The custom of kingship and dominion. The aversion to polytheism is monotheism. In God in terms of what He is God, not in terms of names, for they are for male and female slaves, verification is achieved, and it is what is meant by creation. He said in the Wise Book on the authority of His Noble Messenger, “Indeed, He is compassionate and merciful to the believers.” And God Almighty said about Himself in His ancient words, “Indeed, God is compassionate and merciful to you.” We know that He described Himself as Our description, if it were not valid to

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Among that is the solitude of the people of Widad from Chapter Twelve and Two Hundred: Being alone with the Beloved is what is desired, and being alone with him is the ultimate in humility, and getting out of distress into spaciousness. Only the people of love and love are happy with this solitude. He who is alone is the one who is united with his beloved

His soul is my soul and my soul is his soul *** If He wills, You will, and if you will, He wills

The will is united among loved ones, and if there are multiple entities, then to one source is the matter according to the people of investigation regarding the truthful and the truthful friend. They differ because they are two proverbs, and the two proverbs are opposites, and the opposite is a defense, so there is no dispute. I entered upon some sheikhs from the people of diligence and firmness in the city of Fez, and he informed me of this matter and said, “Beware of confusi

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And from that, he who says of the cause is not part of the religion, from Chapter 213. The truth according to the people of the religion is that it is not valid for us to have a cause, because it was, and neither am I. So why bother with someone who is a cause who does not separate from his effect, just as evidence does not separate from its meaning. If it separated from it, it would not be evidence nor did it happen. The other is the cure for the rulings on causes in eternity. What is said about the cause except those who are ignorant of what the evidence gives is the decisive matter linked to the knowledge of the condition and condition upon it. The people of investigation have relied on this path to say that the cause has an effect with clear evidence. The rulings of the Truth regarding His servants have no cause, and it is what is meant by inspiration, and what is hoped for, if it is true, is to be hoped for. There can be no hope other than Him unless it is proven that He is G

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Among those who provoked became annoyed, and whoever quarreled became angry, from Chapter 214. Winter and the heat did not appear except with the breath of hell’s rage devouring one another, so God lent it from us a loan, so the believer here was afflicted with its heat and roaring, which would in the Resurrection stand between him and its blazing fire, so it rewarded the one who lent it in this world by abating from it. When he passes on the path to the place of pleasure and happiness, its fire cannot be resisted by the light of the believer, who is the dominant just witness. Hajj Adam Musa, which is the disease of the Ayusi. Return to decree and destiny. Dispute between human beings. The eminent writers confirm cases and rulings, believe in decree, and hold themselves accountable for what has passed, and fear that what is to come will be among those who do not give, so they seek protection. And they ask God for help

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Among that is witnessing, suffering from Chapter 215. Watching. Seeing the Witness. There is no extra matter, so the benefit has increased for the people of watching. You should seek the vision in every belief, just as you should be a believer in everything that has been reported. O you who have believed, believe in God and His Messenger and the Book that was sent down to His Messenger and the Book. He who sent down before, to Him belongs the command before and after, so the observer is still struggling in this world, so if in the afterlife he receives what he brought to him, he will return what he brought to him, so he denies it in its manifestation and ignorance in its prolapse, and seeks refuge in it from it, and he does not feel that he is taking it from him. May God protect us from this ignorance . p>

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