The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Know, may God help us and you with the Holy Spirit, that this chapter is one of the most honorable chapters of this book. It is the chapter that brings together the arts of bright lights, brilliant lightnings, ruling conditions, established stations, earthly knowledge, divine sciences, witnessed homes, sacred transactions, productive remembrances, joyful addresses, spiritual outbursts, wonderful midwives, and everything that revelation gives and bears witness to. He has the absolute right. I have included in this chapter everything related to the chapters of this book that must be pointed out in order from the chapter to the end .

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From that is the secret of the clear Imam and what relates to the first chapter

Indeed, the clear Imam is the one who legislates from *** He legislates matters, making clear to Ubaidah

Among them are those which are due to them that you know *** And likewise what is specific to His monotheism

The clear Imam is the truthful one who does not have an oath that conceals what he encompasses. Knowledge, in which quality and quantity are formed, and in which symptoms occur and acts with wills and purposes, and in which vessels and diseases are animated, is the dazzling light and the essence of essences. It accepts cosmic additions, concrete references, ruling situations, and ruling positions, high in status, abundant in secrecy. Knowledge in its head is a fire that is an example to those with insight. It dictates everything that is written, and it is not in control. It has no exi

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Among that is the secret of the adverb placed in the letter, which relates to the second chapter. The adverb is a vessel, and the letter wa’a varies in form and governs its surah. It is the meaning of meanings that is apparent due to the difference in forms and structures. God contains His presence and dispenses with the need for witnesses to the truth. His witnesses are numbered and His effects are witnessed and His words are limited and His verses are intended by sight. He gave the reins of statement and made it eloquent. And he made clear: some of it is prose, some of it is composition, some of it is command, some of it is judgment, some of it has truth, some of it has character, so in it there is justice and in it there is injustice. It has speech and number, and it has delusion, not delusion. There is no existence without it. So He made it clear to the call to prayer, what the heavens have concealed. He spoke from the unseen of what there is no doubt and doubt, witnessed by f

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Among that is the secret of honest exaltation, which is related to the third chapter .

We refrained from exercising since we saw it as indicating similarity. < /p >

And we said: That is the part of the truth among us *** with the knowledge of the One, the One, the One, the Prophet

Exaltation is the definition of exaltation, and the likeness is a deuteronomy. The semblance is in me, and you should be aware and think about the one who walked and looked like whether he deviated from the straight path or whether he was the one who taught it in a shady shade in a good, stable and best place to go to. The place will be cleared, and the similarity will be cleared and will be cleared, and the one between them will not be cleared or cleared, but rather he will say that it is the essence of what is concealed and apparent, and full and concealed, so it is the moon, the sun, and the

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And from that is the secret of the gentle beginning and what was mentioned in the definition from the fourth chapter. The world is a sign that it began with someone, so it is a sign of someone who is hidden from the eye until it is revealed, because we saw visible drawings and scattered quarters that were before that abundant and forbidding and His command, so we asked her what is behind you with certainty, and she said, “What is it?” And I said, “There is nothing but God and His rope, and what no one can afford to be ignorant of.” He said, “If it were not for the dense trees, I would not know the traces, and if it were not for their traces, their beacon would not appear.” So whoever has his fire dimmed, his beacon will be revealed to him is the Presence of Jerusalem, and nothing can be revealed by it except the sense. If it were not for the sense of witnessing the effects, he would not know the traces of the traces. The knowledge of the soul is blind. Because of excessive proximi

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