The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

For you do not know who you are, saying *** And there is no blame on the one who says, “By God,”

So the shortcomings of representation, which is the company, appear, and so does the one who speaks the truth, except I command it, and what is commanded to do may occur, or it may not occur, and the Presence is one, so if the obeyed servant says something other than the truth, then that must happen because he is sincere to monotheism, and he does not say if he says it or command if he commands without saying what is right or commanding what is right except from his reality, which he is in, because he was. Basically, in the fact that the knower is a knower through him, if by himself he influences knowledge in the knower, and the knower with him varies in his attachment to it because of his diversity for himself, then nothing can be held back from it. If one of his conditions were the occurrence of that which is commanded, it would occu

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And if God utters a command on the tongue of the servant, then it is not necessary for that what is desired to occur and it is necessary, and if the truth is alone without the servant through formation, then it inevitably occurs, and the servant is never alone except by decree, which is that he says about it “If” just as the truth says about His will if He willed and whatever He willed < /p>

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And know that every seeker is only asking for what he does not have, for what is attained is not what he desires, and the Truth does not demand from the possible anything but its formation, and its formation is not with him, for the possible in its absence is not a creation, for formation is not a being in the fixed eye, which is the thing, so if the Truth wants it, He says to it, “Be.” Thus, the Truth willed the creation to occur in that thing, because the universe is not with that thing. He did not want the universe for itself, but rather wanted it for the thing that is not with Him, for God Almighty exists for Himself. He wills things for things, not for Himself, for they are with Him, for there is nothing but with Him. His treasures are not treasures except by what is stored in them. Things are stored with Him when they are established. So if He wanted to form them for themselves, He took them down from those treasures and commanded them to be, so they would be clothed with th

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Unite your God, for actions belong to God *** and do not be distracted or distracted by Him

And beware of polytheism, for polytheism is a deficiency *** its power will destroy you, for it is nothing

except you and other than something that does not exist *** and prove Your house is neither obsolete nor flimsy .

But it has a great pleasure that is sought after. ***All of our members are like the pleasure of it .

God knows that in what I mentioned *** our verses are true, and by God, by God.

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Its owner is called Abd al-Wahid with the neglected H if he wants the noun, and if he wants the adjective he is called Abd al-Ahad. As for oneness, it is the establishment of oneness in Him. I mean by the one, what is the oneness, nor is the one like the physical, which is the body? Rather, it is what no eye appears to except through its establishment of the body or substance, which is what It is based on the attributes that are replaced by bodies, as well as the spirit and the spiritual. Oneness is a definite relationship between oneness and one, and the fact that a thing is called one may be the same thing as itself, so it cannot be compounded. It is the thing, and if it is compounded, it is not a thing.

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