The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The coast: They saw the coast running with the running of the ship. Sight gave them what was not real or known at all. For they knew with absolute certainty that the coast did not move from its place, and they could not deny what they saw of its movement. Likewise, if they tasted sugar or honey and found it It is bitter and it is sweet, so they knew it was necessary that the sense of taste made a mistake with them and conveyed what was not correct, and the matter is not so with us, but the shortcomings and error occurred from the ruler, who is the mind, not from the senses, for the senses’ perception of what they give them their truth is necessary, just as the mind in what it perceives necessarily does not make mistakes in what it perceives with the senses or with thought. He may make a mistake. Sense never made a mistake, nor is its perception necessary. There is no doubt that the sense saw movement without a doubt and found a bitter taste without a doubt. Sight perceived

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If this is established and you know how God arranged the perceptions and perceptions and that this connection is a normal matter, then know that God has other servants to whom He broke the norm in their perception of the sciences. Some of them were given to perceive what is perceived by all the powerful things of the intelligible and the tangible with the power of sight in particular, and another with the power of hearing, and so on with all the powerful things, then With incidental matters other than the strong, such as striking, movement, stillness, and so on.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “God struck his hand between my shoulders, and I found the coolness of his fingertips between my breasts, so I knew the knowledge of the ancients and the others.

So he entered into This knowledge is every known, intelligible and tangible thing that a creature perceives. This is knowledge that occurs not from a force of sensory or moral pow

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And also so that you may know that the divine names are like this and that each name gives a special truth. For in its power is that each one of the divine names gives what all the names give. God Almighty said, “Say, ‘Call upon God’ or ‘Call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever you call upon, to Him belong the best names.’ And likewise, if every name was mentioned He would have said about it that He has the most beautiful names, and that is due to the oneness of what is called. So know that. Among people are those to whom the name God is specific, so his knowledge is divine, and among them are those to whom the name All-Merciful is specific, so his knowledge is merciful, as was the case with the cosmic powers. It is said that this person’s knowledge is theoretical, and in the right of another, it is auditory, for he is a theorist and a scholar. Hearing and the world of breaths. Thus, his knowledge of the divine things is attributed to the divine name that was revealed to him in him,

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If you also know this, then know that the one who is specific to this section of the divine names for this specific person is the name of the Most Merciful, and the one that is specific to him is from the Powerful, so he attributes to it the power of smell and what is related to the smells, which are the breaths. So he is from the world of breaths in the ascription of the Powerful and from the Compassionate in the ranks of names, so we say that this person The person appointed in this chapter, whether he is Zayd or Amr, is known as Rahman, and every matter is attributed to the Most Gracious Name .

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