The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)


And these people saw their souls as impure because of the claims they contained regarding the goodness that He had done for them from God, so they attributed it to themselves, and they did not give God His due right of returning that to Him, as a few of His servants did, to other than the claims of matters that are not Souls are characterized by their existence with purity. These are jealous to remember God, and they are the ones who remember God secretly in their souls. As for those who remember Him openly, they have seen the hearts of the common people extremely negligent of God, so they said, “If we mention God to them, they remember Him.” For when they hear the remembrance of God, they cannot help but remember Him, so they remember Him with negligent hearts. What is due to God in terms of glorification? If this was their scene, they were jealous of God and did not mention it, and among them was Al-Shibli in his first state and other times. These people did not f

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Then the tongue has fulfilled its right to open remembrance, for it is one of the things that glorifies God. So whoever is jealous of God does not know Him, but is jealous of Him, not of him. As for the people of this dispute, they are jealous of God for others to mention Him, and they are the people of supplications. In the dhikr, they bear witness that God is the one who remembers Himself through the tongue of His servant, so they mentioned Him while they knew that they were what they mentioned, such as his saying that God said on the tongue of His servant, “God hears whoever praises Him,” and it is among the totality of the dhikr, so they saw that their tongue was correct in the dhikr, so they did not mention him with these witnesses, so the comparison was valid.

< p> By saying, “Whoever was jealous of me did not remember me ”

Because he knew who was the one who remembered and who was mentioned, so he became isolated from the remembrance in the same remembra

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Then the divine names have not been multiplied by God except due to the differences in apparent effects in the universe, so if those who know the names mention it, they make the mention of a name from among the names, and they make what is mentioned a name from among the names, and the names remind each other, so that mention is the tongues of the names, and we are intermediaries, so we only mention it by it and by whomever you mention it by it. Why did you mention him? Do you not see the mention of one upon whom God has bestowed grace? If I remind him of His grace, that is the tongue of His grace and you are of His grace. His only mention is His benevolence, not you. So whoever is jealous of God does not remember him even though he is the most remembered of God’s servants in appearance and there is no mention of him in reality, then he is a true servant because he is the silent rememberer. And God says. The truth and He guides the path

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Whoever loves to spend time loves meeting me *** Whoever loves to stay loves to return

No existence remains with the witnesses *** so you see the universe in the witnesses perishing

In every love there is a longing *** the truth has been entrusted with a wonderful meaning

So, God said, “I am loving***” and you see me listening to Him, listening.

And the heart says in secret from me *** If what he says is true, then he is obedient

God has knowledge in existence *** It is not given to the one who is a broadcaster

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Know, may God help us and you, that the truth has two rulings. The one ruling has what it has in terms of its identity, and it is nothing but the removal of the relationship between Him and His servants. The other ruling is the one by which divinity is established, which necessitates the relationship between Him and His creation, and by it has an effect on the world of existence, and by it is influenced by the conditions that occur in the world, so it is characterized. The truth is at that point, with consent, discontent, etc., and the scholar has two arbiters by which he rules the relationship between him and the truth is correct .

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