The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Nothing else. Then, in looking at the truth, there is nothing but pure, pure oneness, untainted by the choice of “A.” You do not see him saying, “If He had willed such-and-such, it would have been such-and-such.” So whatever He wished, that was not the case, so He denied from Himself the attachment of this will, so He denied the universe from that mentioned. However, God Almighty has two attributes in judgment. reality in the world by abstention or occurrence. The one ratio is what appears from the world in the world of the rulings that occur and are prevented by their will. I mean by the will of the world that God created in the world. The other ratio is what appears of the rulings in the world not from the world, and that is from God in the specific aspect that God has in every being, who does not Only the people of God know it specifically, and the will with which the world wills from the world is the will of God Almighty from the specific perspective. Then it is God’s as a mac

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