The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It did not occur in sense, but it occurred in his right as a representation, so he perceived it in representation, just as it occurs in sense, like the worshiper who said to him, “Worship God as if you see him.” So what is this like the protruding throne? God is present here in the same matter, in the qiblah of the praying person or the worshiper, in whatever action it may be, and the protrusion of the throne is not like that. Among the people are those who worship God as if he were seeing Him due to the veil that prevented him from seeing Him. Among the people are those who worship Him based on vision and observation, and there is no difference between the one who sees Him and the one who does not see Him except that the one who does not see Him does not know Him even though He is witnessed by Him, the Almighty, and the one who knows Him knows Him, but such knowledge should not be achieved. It is said that it is not accepted, so if a person witnesses it from himself, it is not po

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And know that the media has shown us that preparations from the Qabils are the keys to the unseen, because there is nothing but an absolute, general gift and the overflow of existence, then unseen in the matter itself, and there are no witnesses, but rather endless information, some of which has existence, some of which does not exist, and some of it that has causality. Some of them have no causality, some have the acceptance of existence, and some have no acceptance. Then there is a key and an open one, and an open one reveals when it is opened, what this open was a veil from. The key is your readiness to learn and accept knowledge, and the open one is education, and the open one is the door with which you were standing, so if you do not stop and walk, you see in every foot what You did not see it, so you knew what you did not know, and the grace of God upon you was great. Preparation is not acquired, rather it is a divine gift. For this reason, only God knows it. He knows that t

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