The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is something that is observed because he associated it with the eyes and did not associate it with the ear or with any of the perceptions. Therefore we know that

His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “I have made the comfort of my eye in prayer”

He did not mean monologue, but rather He wanted witnesses from those who saved him from it, and for this reason

he told us that God is in the qiblah of the person praying, so he said, “Worship God as if you see him”

For, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he used to see in his worship what was as if he were seeing him, and among the people of God who are you? He has this rank, and if he had not attained it, he would not have associated it with worship without work. For what He said, “Work for God as if you see Him,” for worship without clear witnesses or imagining valid witnesses is not valid. In this regard, the Almighty says, “And no one knows its interpretation except God,” and i

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And know that worship is an intrinsic state for a person, and it is not valid for it to have a created reward because it is not created at all. The objects of everything other than God are created and existent, and worship in them is not created, for they are for these entities, I mean the objects of the world in its non-existence and in the event of its existence, and through them it is permissible for him to accept it. God commanded the creation without being discouraged. Rather, God Almighty told him that He says to it, “Be” and it is. So the rule of worship for the possible in the event of its non-existence is possible in it in the event of its existence, since it is necessary for it in the state of its existence, the firmness of its opinion, its view of itself, and its independence from a claim to sovereignty in some way, and if it were what it was, then it would be diminished. He has the rule of worshiping Him to the extent that He claims sovereignty. Therefore we said that

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