The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The specialization and comprehensiveness of mercy, the science of the compound names of God, the science of the consequences of matters, the science of the world, the science of levels of sovereignty in the world, the science of praise with praise, the science of kingship and the kingdom, the science of time, the science of reward, the science of reliance, the science of cooperation, the science of worship, the science of explanation and clarification, the science of ways of happiness, the science of grace, the benefactor, and blessings, and the science of the causes of expulsion. About happiness that is not tinged with misery, the knowledge of confusion and those who are perplexed, the knowledge of the questioner and the answerer, the knowledge of self-definition and addition, and which of the two definitions is stronger? These are the foundations of the sciences that this verse contains, and each of them is knowledge, the details of which are not limited to anyone except God Alm

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And know that when the world of man was the property of God Almighty, God Almighty was the property of this kingdom by arranging it and in detail, and for this reason He described Himself, the Almighty, saying that to God belongs the hosts of the heavens and the earth, and He said, “And no one knows the hosts of your Lord except Him. For He, the Almighty, is the protector of this human city because it is His presence that expands it and it is the very essence of His kingdom.” He did not describe himself as a soldier and a force unless he knew that His will, the Almighty, preceded His creation in His creation to create for him a dispute that would dispute with him in His presence and revolt against him in his kingdom through the influence of His will upon him. His knowledge and His unchanging word preceded him. He called him Al-Harith and created for him horses and men and gave him authority over this man. So bring this enemy upon this. The human king imagines him, his man, and his

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