The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

So how about if the matter appears to be *** without a cover for it to be based on

Misery would certainly have afflicted us here *** and upon resurrection on the Day of Calling

But the Forgiving One has set up a cover *** to make us happy despite the adversities.

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Know, O intimate friend, may God support you with the Holy Spirit and your understanding, that the symbols and riddles are not intended for themselves, but rather they are intended for what they symbolize and for what has been riddled about them and their places in the Qur’an, all verses of consideration, and the warning to that is the Almighty’s saying: And these are parables We present for the people, for the parables did not come to be sought for themselves, but rather they came to be known. Among them are those for which it was mentioned and those for which it was set up, for example, such as the saying of God Almighty, “He sent down water from the sky, and valleys flowed in their capacity, and the torrent carried rising foam.” And of what they kindle it in the fire, seeking ornaments or belongings, there is foam. A third of it is like this. God destroys truth and falsehood. As for the scum, it disappears in vain. So He made it like falsehood, as He said. And falsehood has per

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As for knowledge of the secret of eternity, know that eternity is a negation of the primacy of whoever is described by it, and it is a description of God Almighty from His being a God, and if primacy from Him the Most High is negated from His being a God, then He is called by every name by which He has given Himself removed from His being a speaker, for He is the living knower, the seeker, the capable, the hearing, the all-seeing. The Speaker, the Creator, the Creator, the Formator, the King, is still called by these names, and the priority of restriction has been removed from him, so the heard hears and the seen sees, and so on, and the objects of what is heard among us and the things seen are non-existent and non-existent, and He sees them eternally, just as He knows them eternally, and distinguishes them and separates them eternally, and they have no essence in concrete psychological existence, but rather they are entities fixed in a rank. Possibility, so possibility has eterni

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As for the secret of eternity, it is the denial of otherness. Just as what is possible is the absence of otherness, legally speaking, in terms of the totality, since Paradise and residence therein without end, so also priority with regard to the arrangement of temporal beings is reasonable and existing, so the Knower, by that divine consideration, cannot be said to be a first or a last, and by the second consideration, He is

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