The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And He is God in the heavens and on earth, and He brings Him many times closer to His servant than His servant draws near to Him if he seeks Him in the path that He has prescribed for him. He runs to Him when He sees Him coming to meet Him out of concern for His servant and honor for Him, but on the path of glory, which is a path of descent in which there is no ascent for a created being, even if it were for a created one. In it is the behavior of what was dear and what came down to us only through us, so the attribute is ours, not his. We are the essence of that path, and that is why we describe it as the Praiseworthy, that is, as the Praiseworthy and the Praiseworthy, because when a fa’il occurs, it asks for the active participle and the object. So either he gives the two commands together like this, or he gives the single command to the presumption of an adverb, and he praised himself. He is the Praiseworthy, the Praiseworthy, and the greatest praise He gave to Himself in our v

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As for the path of your Lord, God Almighty has referred to it by saying: Whoever God wants to guide, He opens his chest to Islam, and whoever He wants to mislead, He makes his chest narrow and constricted, as if it were ascending into the sky. He says

as if he is going out of his nature, and the thing is not going out of its truth Thus God places abomination upon those who do not believe, and this He referred to what was previously mentioned, the path of your Lord is straight, and He did not mention anything except His will for clarification and narrowness, so they are inevitable in the world because it is only what He wills and it has come into existence. Then He described Himself, meaning anger, contentment, hesitation, and hatred. Then He made it obligatory and said, and with hatred, then it does not exist. He must meet me. This is the same as his saying, “It is as if he is ascending into the sky.” It is like algebra in the matter of choice. So whoever of the servants o

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