The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And they are the ones whom the Messengers envy in this because of the comfort they find in it, because the Messengers, peace be upon him, fear the day of greatest terror for their nations and followers, not for themselves. And among them are those whose time is extended until entering Paradise from honor, and among them are those whose time in pains is extended until he intercedes for him by exiting Hell. To Paradise, and among them are those whose time in suffering is extended until God brings him out Himself, not through the intercession of an intercessor, and they are the monotheists, by the way of sight, who neither believed nor disbelieved, nor did they ever do the best of the lawful saying, for they were not believers, but they united with God, glory be to Him, and died in that, and whoever had knowledge of God among them died. He must reap the fruit of his knowledge, and if a suspicion about it causes him to be confused or divert him from believing what he thought he knew,

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As for the path of glory, which is the Almighty’s saying, “To the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy,” know that this is the path of exaltation, and no one can attain it with a taste except one who dissociates himself from being a lord or master in some respect or in every respect, and this is noble, for man neglects, neglects, forgets, and says, “I” and sees for himself a rank. Dominion over other servants during his time of negligence. Therefore, since this is necessary, he should strive to be a pure servant at the time of death, with no dominion over any of the creatures, and he sees himself as in need of everything in the world, since he has seen the truth from behind the veil of the name. What God said about it to those who have no knowledge of the matter, say, “Highness them.” And since man was poor in person, God concealed for him reasons and caused this servant to look at her while he was behind her, so he confirmed it with an eye and denied it with a ruling, like the Al

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