The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Translated between the reasonable and the unreasonable, and none can comprehend these depths except the people of secrets and lights and those with insight and sight. So whoever is alone with a secret without light, or with light without secret, or with insight without sight, or with sight without insight, or with what is apparent without what is hidden, or with what is hidden without what is apparent, was for what he was alone with and did not happen. On perfection, even if it is characterized by it, even if it is perfect in what it is, but perfection is what is required, not perfection, for perfection is in creation, and perfection is in what the perfect benefits and benefits him, and if this degree is not achieved for him with his perfection, then God gave everything his creation, then it was perfected, and then he guided it to acquire perfection, so whoever is guided. It has been completed, and whoever stops with its completion has been deprived. May God grant us and you succe

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So the illusion is that matters are discontinued, and matters are discontinued, and it is not true that they are discontinued, because God continues to preserve the world through Him, so He does not cease to preserve it. If preservation were to cease, the world would cease, for God is not independent of the world except for His appearance to the world Himself, so He is self-sufficient if He is known by the world, so that others do not guide Him. It is the evidence of Himself by His appearance to His creation. Some of them recognized Him and distinguished Him from His creation. Some of them made Him the essence of His creation. Some of them were confused about Him and did not know whether He was the essence of His creation or distinct from Him. And among them were those who knew that He was distinct from creation and creation was distinct from Him, but did not know by what means He truly distinguished His creation from Him. There is no right about creation, and that is why Abu Yazi

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